What will the earth be like if aliens exist?

Scientists have come up with some solutions to the question, how will our Earth change if aliens exist?

Scientists have come up with some solutions to the question, how will our Earth change if aliens exist?

It is undeniable that human space science industry has made significant progress compared to the early days, but so far, there has been no discovery of another civilization in the universe.

Recently, Seth Shostak - a leading astronomer from California's SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) claims to find evidence of aliens before 2040, thanks to into electromagnetic and radio signals in space.

Picture 1 of What will the earth be like if aliens exist?

It is unlikely that his statement will come true, but there is a question: if there is absolute evidence of life outside of the Earth, how will the planet of mankind change? Please come to the answers of some researchers according to information from Io9 page.

From the initial assumptions

Picture 2 of What will the earth be like if aliens exist?

Researchers entering into this answer have made assumptions. First, this historical stature will be discovered in the near future. Next, humans can only communicate with guests from the universe with electromagnetic signals. And finally, extraterrestrial civilization will only be lower or equal, or not too far from humanity.

. to greater impacts .

Milan Cirkovic, a research assistant at Belgrade Observatory and an expert at the SETI Institute, said: "Many people believe that signals outside of the Earth will not affect humanity."

But according to him, based on the astronomer Carl Sagan's theory (1934-1996), the discovery of evidence of another species in the universe will have a great impact on humanity.

Picture 3 of What will the earth be like if aliens exist?

It specifically affects many areas of science and theory 'human beings are central' - anthropocentrism . Carl Sagan once mentioned, signals of alien life will be a great encouragement for the space science, both in research and in space-based projects.

However, this hypothesis proposed by Sagan in the last century did not attract much attention. But at the present time, when science has been booming, researchers are eager to explore and find excitement, wanting to explore the universe to meet this "neighbor".

Picture 4 of What will the earth be like if aliens exist?

Cirkovic predicts, if this comes true, about half of the current sciences will become seriously misleading. However, some people disagree that humans should try to escape, instead of trying to find potential dangers outside the universe. Even, some say, human beings need weapons to counter the alien threat.

And the effects on the planet's development trajectory

So how will finding 'intelligent alien creatures' affect the development of civilizations? Mr. Cirkovic said, Sagan astronomer pointed out agents from any civilization in the early days.

Picture 5 of What will the earth be like if aliens exist?

Sagan said that any civilization has an environment that interacts with the universe (seeing stars, seeing objects in the universe), will have a desire to learn and discover it. But there may be exceptions, if a species evolves in a completely different environment - like Jupiter, with the largest atmosphere in the Solar System but obscure, unable to see the universe - there will be less excitement. amused with things around their planet.

According to Milan Cirkovic, if Sagan's hypothesis is correct, the discovery of extraterrestrial civilization at this stage will be a great thing. In addition to the impact on the development of science and space technology, it also gives motivation for scientists to explore and conquer space.

Picture 6 of What will the earth be like if aliens exist?

And even aliens can provoke cultural and political changes, form parties, or give birth to some new religions, or disappear some current religions.

There is also a possibility that nothing will change. Signals outside the Earth will not make any difference when scientists or politicians . hide it from the people.

Picture 7 of What will the earth be like if aliens exist?

However, the worst possibility is that it can lead to hysteria and paranoia in society. Or more ironically, finding a civilization equivalent to humanity can become the foundation for the "great selection" theory in the Fermi paradox of development.

This paradox refers to the civilizations that automatically find and destroy each other, leading to the decline of the whole universe. And maybe, this can make scientists falter when they want to look to a further future, where humans conquer the universe.

Update 18 December 2018



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