Why are Asians often smaller than Europeans?

Europeans are often tall and stout. Meanwhile, our Asians have a more slender body. This large disparity in body size is also one of the most obvious differences of residents on the two continents. So these causes have led to this difference? Let's find the solution in the article below!

Food volume at each meal

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Food intake of Asians is less than that of Europeans.

The amount of food intake for each meal is one of the obvious reasons, making Asians smaller in size than Europeans. In addition, surveys also show that Asians have a taste for enjoying many flavors at the same time, so each meal also has more variety.

How to prepare food

Picture 2 of Why are Asians often smaller than Europeans?
With significantly less fat intake, of course, Asians are smaller.

Food processing also greatly affects the development of the body. In Europe, fast foods and fried foods are extremely popular, making people here load large amounts of fat, stimulating an increase in size.

In contrast, despite the Eastern culinary culture, there is no shortage of fried dishes but the menu at every Asian meal, is quite balanced in terms of processing methods (steamed, boiled, fried, fried). ). In particular, the two methods of cooking and steaming always account for a high proportion in the diet. Of course, with significantly less fat intake, Asians will also be smaller. At the same time limiting the risk of obesity than Europeans.

Fermented dishes

Picture 3 of Why are Asians often smaller than Europeans?
Fermentation is like a good source of bacteria for the body.

Fermented dishes are an integral part of the cuisine of many Asian countries. There are a few typical dishes such as: Melon, Salted (Vietnam), Kim Chi (Korea), fermented soybeans (Japan). From a scientific perspective, these dishes are fermented based on lacto bacteria.

Therefore, fermentation is like a source of beneficial bacteria for the body, helps metabolize fat, limiting fat accumulation in organs. This explains why we Asians often have a slimmer body than Europeans.

High fish diet

Picture 4 of Why are Asians often smaller than Europeans?
Fish, squid, shrimp . contain a large amount of omega-3 .

Types of seafood, especially fish, are always one of the most used ingredients in Asian meals. Many studies have shown that fish, squid, shrimp . contain large amounts of omega-3. This is a type of fatty acid that brings many benefits to the body. At the same time it also helps to eliminate excess fat, providing a more 'slimy' and more balanced body for Asians.

Exercise routine

Picture 5 of Why are Asians often smaller than Europeans?
Practice tai chi in the morning.

In many Asian countries like China, Japan, and Vietnam, people often have a tradition of getting up early in the morning to exercise or other feeding movements. This good habit, helps Asian people increase the time of movement for the body, thereby forming a slimmer physique.

Types of drinks from nature

Picture 6 of Why are Asians often smaller than Europeans?
Asian people have a lot of traditional drinks, especially tea.

Unlike Europeans, often drinking soda water with high sugar content for refreshment. Asian people have a lot of traditional drinks, especially tea. Nutritious drinks from this sugar-free nature are also one of the reasons affecting Asian size.