Why are ferrets bad?

The whole weasel body will have no strange smell without the two lines of foul flu in the tail. This is the self-defense weapon of weasel.

If you go to the zoo, go to the area of ​​the weasel, you will smell a terrible smell, oh my! What makes weasels carry the smell of "chasing customers" like that?

Picture 1 of Why are ferrets bad?

Weasels can release distant rays up to 3m.

The whole weasel body will have no strange smell without the two lines of foul flu in the tail . This is the self-defense weapon of weasel. Meeting the enemy, it only needs to release a ray of that "precious" fluid, the enemy can stand it all, and must . humiliate the right.

Such a protection beam can be fired 3 meters away. Shoot at this beam, at the other ray, even two rays at the same time. Each foul line can fire 5-6 shots towards the enemy. The power of those nasty smells doesn't hurt, nor does it penetrate the opponent's body, but they will suffocate the opponent.

If hit by an eye, the opponent may be temporarily blinded by the force of the beam. However, skunks often warn the opponent first and then hand out. Before the "rocket launcher ", the mink curled its tail and stamped its foot so that the stranger had time to retreat.

Minks are very beneficial for crops because it catches pests such as grasshoppers, crickets, mice . On the other hand, mink with thick fur, can make warm clothes very well. Therefore, people often set up a mink farm.

Update 16 December 2018



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