Why can dolphins just sleep, just ... swim?

The dolphin only sleeps with half the brain and the other half controls the activity with the proof that in that state they can still swim in a counterclockwise direction.

Explain the cause of dolphins just swim and sleep

Many people believe that such dolphins are due to asymmetry in the brain, but Swedish scientist Paul Manger of Stockholm University said that the Northern Hemisphere dolphin swim counterclockwise while fish The southern hemisphere's pig swims in the opposite direction.

Picture 1 of Why can dolphins just sleep, just ... swim?

During the days of tracking the dolphins in South Africa , he and his colleagues discovered that the dolphins in the southern hemisphere used at least 86% of the swimming time clockwise . This suggests that their swimming direction may also depend on which hemisphere region is governed by the forces of the Earth.

Another possibility of dolphins is that in such a semi-conscious province, the dolphins in the herd can still swim in the same direction to protect each other as they are also the most vulnerable. This ability - also according to experts - could be due to the dolphins in the herd that were previously trained or they were pre-programmed in the gene to swim in the same direction of the herd.