Why do left-handed people believe in more mysterious things than God?

Few people think that left-handedness and belief in God are related, but there has been research that shows the relationship between these two seemingly separate things.

Few people think that left-handedness and belief in God are related, but there has been research that shows the relationship between these two seemingly separate things.

What do lefties and people with schizophrenia have in common? Maybe this is not the first thing people think about, but according to a recent study, the common point between them is religion, or rather not religion.

Picture 1 of Why do left-handed people believe in more mysterious things than God?

Lefties and people with schizophrenia are less likely to believe in religion.

In a study published in the journal Evolutionary Psychological Science, researchers discovered an interesting connection between atheism and certain genetic features, including left-handedness and mental illness. schizophrenia and autism.

It all depends on DNA and the so-called 'mutant burden' . Basically, religious people tend to have fewer gene mutations . As a result, they are more likely to be right-handed and have less genetic problems like autism or schizophrenia than non-religious people.

Lead author Edward Dutton from the Ulster Institute for Social Research, UK, told The Telegraph that this connection exists because in pre-industrial societies, piety was seen as another genetic attribute. .

If an individual believes in a single moral god, that means they have a sense of stability, a healthy mind, and good social skills - three things you almost always want to see in your partner. future. This means that in the pre-industrial world, devotees were more likely to grow and have descendants than non-Christians. It seems that today's devotees are descendants of pre-industrial devotees.

Picture 2 of Why do left-handed people believe in more mysterious things than God?


In this study, researchers investigated religious beliefs and paranormal belief among 612 volunteers and contrasted the strength of those beliefs with the appearance of four sudden burdens. variables (poor overall health, autism, fluctuating asymmetry, and left-handedness). The research results show that between left-handed people (such as Mozart, Marie Curie, and Barack Obama) and atheism have a 'weak but important' relationship, while the relationship between autism and non the religion is stronger.

And while you may think that atheists claim to be less likely to believe in paranormal activity, the results of the study show the opposite. Research has discovered a positive correlation between belief in the occult and each type of mutant burden.

All of these findings reflect trends in Western societies. They are becoming less religious - non-religious people (also known as 'no religion' ) now account for 48.6% of the British population, and in the US, atheists have increased from 6% in 1992. to 22% in 2014. For Generation Y, this number is even higher (35%).

Meanwhile, faith in the occult has increased. A Harris survey in 2013 found that 42% of the US population believed to be ghost and a 2014 YouGov survey also indicated that one in three Britons believed to be ghost.

  • The secret about lefties
  • Why are most humans right-handed and only 10% left-handed?
Update 13 February 2020



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