Why do people get acne?

In modern times, acne is not a rare problem for everyone's skin, it is even a hassle that causes discomfort and loss of confidence in many people every time they think of their face. full of his black pimples. In fact, up to 8/10 people have had a bad experience with acne.

In modern times, acne is not a rare problem for everyone's skin, it is even a hassle that causes discomfort and loss of confidence in many people every time they think of their face. full of his black pimples. In fact, up to 8/10 people have had a bad experience with acne.

The reason many people suffer from acne regularly

  • Factors associated with the symptoms of acne
    • 1. Eat too much food containing sugar and grease
    • 2. Staying up too much late
    • 3. Improper skin care
    • 4. Lack of exercise, exercise
    • 5. Environmental pollution
  • 5 things you should do regularly to take care of your skin and eliminate acne
    • 1. Make sure to clean the skin daily, drink plenty of water
    • 2. Eat less "strong" foods
    • 3. Exercise at least 3-4 times a week
    • 4. Don't stay up late
    • 5. Wear a mask when traveling, wash your hands often, avoid touching your face

The following are the main causes of acne that many people are doing every day, not only make it more common, but it is also very difficult to treat acne thoroughly.

Factors associated with the symptoms of acne

1. Eat too much food containing sugar and grease

Thirty years ago, in the kitchen of every family often not greasy, going out nor easy to buy greasy food to eat. But today, not only in the kitchen, but also on the street also appears full of fried food and a variety of snacks, greasy street food.

Besides, a diet high in sugar and lots of salt that many people indifferently eat daily has a significant impact on the secretion of sebum, thereby producing more oil, leading to clogged hair follicles, very acne prone.

A pimple-prone skin is more or less related to a greasy diet, which is the first suggestion that you should be careful.

In addition, you should also note that acne is often caused by "hot in", so if you eat moderately and often eat spicy foods, you will also get hot and acne.

2. Staying up too much late

In the past, due to the job characteristics, people often went to bed earlier than today because they worked more manual labor and they almost fell asleep soundly every night.

Meanwhile, most modern people are "good" at staying up late: pursuing a certain game, going to social networks, watching movies, rushing to get things done, etc. These will directly affect to the release of immune and repair factors by the body.

People who stay up late often suffer from acne and have other health discomforts that will eventually lead to problems.

3. Improper skin care

There are so many ways to take care of your skin and each one is choosing a different one. Although cosmetics are extremely diverse with a full range of types, many people do not necessarily know how to care for their skin properly.

Many people choose the wrong cosmetic category, causing skin acne and recurrence many times. There are also people who do not care for the skin properly, arbitrarily or negligent can also make you have unintended skin.

In particular, some cosmetic products that have bacterial problems and some ingredients that exceed the standard, have been exposed many times as well as one of the important causes of acne, skin diseases. .

Picture 1 of Why do people get acne?

Incorrect or careless skin care can also cause you to have unsatisfied skin.

4. Lack of exercise, exercise

Exercise can speed up the body's metabolism. But unfortunately in today's society, most people are busy with work during the day, they just want to rest and relax after work, so they lack the daily physical activity. , reduce or not perform enough exercise the body deserves to be performed.

Not getting enough exercise will cause the body to metabolize more slowly, which means the skin's detoxifying function is also impaired, and acne, blackheads and many skin problems will naturally come. " knock "asks you.

5. Environmental pollution

Dust particles in the air not only harm the human lungs but also cause certain damage to the skin. These dust particles easily penetrate the pores and if they are not deep cleansed, they can easily penetrate the root of the pores and cause blackheads in the long run.

Radiation in electronic devices such as computers, phones and other devices also causes people to produce more oil, which can lead to acne.

Among the factors that cause acne, there are some external factors that are difficult to control, but there are some internal factors that can correct themselves. Therefore, if you want to have clean skin, no acne, you need to change from your own lifestyle in daily activities.

5 things you should do regularly to take care of your skin and eliminate acne

1. Make sure to clean the skin daily, drink plenty of water

Washing your face thoroughly in the evening can remove bacteria and smog from your skin, washing your face in the morning can remove excess oil from your face.

There are many ways to clean your face, you can choose the way that best suits your skin, clean the pores without breaking the water-oil ratio.

You should learn how to use makeup remover every night, whether it's men or women and no makeup, but makeup remover will help remove dirt and excess oil from the skin and has a massage effect for Facial skin for blood circulation. You also need to moisturize the skin and drink enough water, because when the skin is dehydrated it will increase oil production, which will clog pores.

2. Eat less "strong" foods

As mentioned above, oily, sugary, and spicy foods often have certain negative effects or effects on the skin, so a lighter diet can reduce the appearance of acne. If you eat hot food, then you should find ways to add cool foods, drink detox tea, cool the body, avoid "hot in" causing acne.

3. Exercise at least 3-4 times a week

Simple exercise can help the body speed up metabolism and help skin open pores to "breathe" better, sweat also helps detoxify the body. When our skin is breathing freely, naturally there will be fewer acne, cleaner and smoother.

4. Don't stay up late

Going to bed early can help the internal organs and skin to "detoxify" and regulate hormones optimally. Getting enough sleep and getting up early is a habit to help you see that your skin will become brighter and clearer.

5. Wear a mask when traveling, wash your hands often, avoid touching your face

With today's polluted air, you should always wear a mask when on the road, go to places where you need to wash your hands thoroughly and, if possible, wash your face. Avoid touching your face and not squeezing acne. This can cause skin infections, spread acne and leave scars.

  • New vaccine cures acne
  • Video: Bacteria cause people to grow more acne
Update 05 April 2020



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