Why do we sometimes forget what I was just about to say?

Forget something or forget to say it - everyone has encountered such a problem.

Forget something or forget to say it - everyone has encountered such a problem.

Have you ever gone into a room and can't remember going in there to get anything? We are so vulnerable when we think of many things at the same time or do two things at the same time, for example, chatting with friends and crossing the street, or walking around the room while tapping the phone tablet for example.

Everyone has such a time and the bigger you get, the easier it will be to do the same two things at the same time.

However, even though our brain is really a very smart computer, it can be said to be more intelligent than any other computer, but at the same time the brain can only be used. a certain amount of nerve energy to control the body.

Picture 1 of Why do we sometimes forget what I was just about to say?

Our brain is like a power station that provides energy for many of the things we are trying to do.

The brain is a power supply station

Use your brain to look like a power station for some cities.

If some cities need a lot of electricity (to turn on the lights for example), other cities will have to reduce their electricity use because there are only electricity for all cities.

Similarly, your brain only has that amount of energy to share for all parts at the same time. Young children have less developed brain and have less nerve energy than older children; teens are not equal to adults.

Now, now we can go back to the question of forgetting things.

Adults have more nerve energy to perform different tasks.

Children can also do three things at once, but some studies show that children do not do as well as adults, and young children do not do as well as older children.

Why?That's because the power station in the child's brain is smaller and does not provide as much energy as the young child's brain.

Practice will help achieve success

The more we practice skills (such as riding a bike, practicing a sport, baking a kind of cake) the better we can do other things at the same time.

For example, a mature athlete (a football player, for example) can perfectly play the ball while chatting with friends easily.

This is because the player's skill in playing has been so good that it is almost automatic and that player does not need a lot of nerve energy to control the ball movement, but to give energy to other things.

But for someone who is only interested in learning, the ball movement will require so much nerve energy that it is hard for him to play and talk.

So why do we sometimes forget what we were just about to say?

The answer is because before saying that, you're doing the same thing at the same time.

It is likely that you are thinking about what you are going to say and about something else at the same time, or that you are concentrating on listening and also thinking about what you are saying.

Sometimes your brain can't do two hard things at the same time. You do not have enough nerve energy at that time.

Forgetting is very normal for everyone and can happen when you do too many things at once. If you have such a problem, take a deep breath and relax. Maybe the words you are about to forget, but after a while you will remember them because your mind is resting and reloading.

Update 15 August 2019



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