Why hasn't anyone come from the future to travel to our time?

Have you ever wondered why your little one hasn't appeared at the present time (On a DeLoran powered Plutonium for example!) To visit you? Is it because the future of the Earth has been perished, or is it because our time is nothing interesting to visit?

Have you ever wondered why your little one hasn't appeared at the present time (On a DeLoran powered Plutonium for example!) To visit you? Is it because the future of the Earth has been perished, or is it because our time is nothing interesting to visit?

First of all, it sounds pretty sad, but this time can be really uninteresting to come back as you think. It is recorded and stored quite full of information and only accounts for a small fraction of the history of the Earth's exciting formation.

When compared to the age of 4.5 billion years of the Earth, humanity only appeared for 4 million years. If we only count real civilizations, we will limit it to only 4000 to 5000 years. This time must be called too short, even when comparing that with the dinosaurs' existence, we are just a small wink in history. We have Jurassic, Ice Age, golden age of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Huaxia civilizations, . times are much more interesting than in recent centuries.

Therefore, if you go 'travel', of course people will choose places that are pristine like the period of dinosaurs, or be as modern as the future instead of stopping the 'half lean and half fat' civilization boring like our present era. Compared to the past and the future, we are not a diverse natural countryside, nor a modern, comfortable city, but just a remote suburb.

Picture 1 of Why hasn't anyone come from the future to travel to our time?

And because of the potential for many dangers, due to concerns about creating paradoxes, or the need to simultaneously teleport at galaxy scale (Because stars and planets are always moving while both The galaxy itself turns), with absolute accuracy if you don't want to appear in the ground or sink into the deep sea. Or worst, you will drift forever in the endless space. Or simply these trips are too expensive.

Picture 2 of Why hasn't anyone come from the future to travel to our time?

Things that make only limited trips are created. So it concerns the first issue again; Our time may not be worth the try.

Let's assume that time travel is possible in the future. That may require communication between two points in space - so it requires a device that can do it at both ends. So that device must be invented first. And that will be the earliest point that a time traveler can return to.

In another case, if we assume that time travel will create an alternate and parallel timeline branching out from the original universe, plus your view from the original universe, You will always find that no one has ever traveled in time because these events took place in an alternate universe.

Picture 3 of Why hasn't anyone come from the future to travel to our time?

Or maybe humans won't need to go back to the past. There will be other ways to "look at the past", which will eliminate the need to travel time, avoiding the risk of paradoxical or disturbing occurrences in the timeline.

And in the worst case scenario, no one returned because there was no one in the future. They either died or their technology degenerated before the time machine was invented. Pretty dark?

After all, only theory and assumptions. So one beautiful day, you suddenly come across a strange guy wearing anomalous clothes to pick up your relatives and friends in the middle of the street, he may be a little bit of a little bit of something from your future! . Or he is just a pervert, who knows ^^!

Update 18 December 2018



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