Why is the sky cloudless on sunny days?

On sunny days, the sky is not cloudy, the whole space becomes endless with a clear blue color. Then the clouds were going to go away?

Before sunny days, it may be cloudy or cloudy days. These clouds either turn into raindrops that fall to the ground, or are blown away by strong winds. Another reason, on sunny days, the weather is always dry, the amount of water vapor in the air is very small. Steam is the main material to create clouds, so the sunny day will not have or have very few clouds.

Moreover, the amount of water vapor must also be attributed to the upward flow of air, when cold is condensed into clouds. However, the air pressure in these days is relatively stable, there is no upward airflow , contributing to the phenomenon of clear blue sky.

Picture 1 of Why is the sky cloudless on sunny days?
Blue sky at Estacado farm - South America (Photo: cielowind)