Why the dead planet?

Scientists from Columbia said that some planets have quite similar conditions to Earth, but they are still dead planets because these planets do not have protective shields, so they are always affected by the phenomenon. radiation.

Scientists believe that in order to survive, the planets must have around a magnetic field like Earth's.

Scientists from Columbia said that some planets have quite similar conditions to Earth, but they are still dead planets because these planets do not have protective shields, so they are always affected by the phenomenon. radiation.

'In order to survive, these planets need a thick layer of water vapor, water and surface water. However, water can be blown away by the wind on the stars if these planets do not have a strong magnetic field, "said Jorge Zuluaga, a scientist at the University of Antioquia, Columbia.

In our solar system, Mars and Venus are two stars without magnetic fields. It is thought that cosmic winds have caused most of Mars's atmosphere to disappear, while Venus is turned into a poisonous, carbon-filled star.

Picture 1 of Why the dead planet?

The planet wants to survive, it must have magnetic fields.

Most planets have molten cores, which generate magnetic fields. Scientists have calculated the time it takes for a planet to cool, causing its core to no longer produce a magnetic field.

They applied their calculations to the three stars that were supposed to exist: Gliese 581d, HD 40307g and GJ667Cc.

The first two stars still have magnetic fields, but quite weakly, not enough to protect these planets from dangerous radiation, and the third star is completely absent.

'The existence or absence of a magnetic field should be taken into account when considering the viability of life on a planet' - Zuluaga said.

Update 17 December 2018



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