Women are easy to fall over with red-faced men

Scientists found that men with rosy faces easily attracted women.

Scientists from St Andrews University, Nottingham and Durham (UK) conducted research with 45 volunteer women to see how they felt most attractive to men with facial expressions.

Volunteer women were shown pictures of 21 young men on the computer and then they were asked to adjust the face colors of the men. Women can choose to add or remove red or yellow to create the male facials they feel most attractive.

Picture 1 of Women are easy to fall over with red-faced men
Men with rosy faces like Prince Harry (right) easily attract women.

The results show that most women adjust the facial expressions of men who become more rosy. They believe that ruddy face is a sign of good blood circulation and also a sign of a healthy man.

When asked to adjust the face of a dominant man, the raw women added red to the faces of the men in the picture. Because they think red-faced men are aggressive and aggressive.

'We found that the redness of the face helped increase the aggressiveness and appeal of men in women's eyes. Many animals also have similar assessments. For example, bright yellow feathers and beaks in many birds can be seen as a sign of a healthy animal , 'said Professor David Perrett, of St Andrews University, on the Daily Mail.

Research may help explain why men with pinky faces like Britain's Prince Harry or actor Brad Pitt attract a lot of women. While, red-faced people like Richard Branson and former US president Bill Clinton show they have great leadership skills.