Women who regularly walk can fight stroke

The results of the study, published in the journal "Stroke" of the American Heart Association, show that women over 45 who have a habit of going fast or spending two hours a week walking can significantly reduce their risk of stroke. .

Picture 1 of Women who regularly walk can fight stroke Research shows that women who walk about five kilometers per hour consistently reduce their risk of stroke by 37 percent, while women who walk two or more hours a week have a 30 percent reduction in risk.

Previously, studies have confirmed that the ability to exercise health will reduce the risk of stroke in men and women 25-30%. Scientists also recently said that eating chocolate will significantly reduce the risk of stroke as well as reducing the likelihood of death after a stroke.

Statistics show that women aged 45-54 are 2.5 times more likely to have a stroke than men of the same age. Stroke is currently the third largest fatal disease in the United States and Canada, and it often "attacks" obese people with high blood pressure.

A stroke, also known as a stroke, is a sudden damaged part of the brain caused by blood loss caused by a blockage or rupture of a cerebral blood vessel. Even if rescued, patients can still suffer from sequelae such as weak health, paralysis, loss of a sense of half-body and coma.