Wrong survival tips on movies, never follow

There are many methods of self-rescue that often appear on movies but in fact they are not true at all.

There are many methods of self-rescue that often appear on movies but in fact they are not true at all.

1. Should wear cotton clothes when traveling

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When traveling, you should choose polyester clothes to ensure safety.

This concept is completely wrong because cotton clothes can make it 27 times heavier because of good water penetration. This fabric also takes a lot of time to dry out. On average, drying of cotton clothes requires 25 times more heat than other fabrics. Not only is it a disadvantage when it comes to rain, cotton clothes also suck sweat, making you even colder when you're in snowy and icy weather.

Ideally, you should choose polyester and nylon clothes to ensure safety when traveling.

2. Throw away your mobile phone when there is no signal

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Turn off your phone half an hour to save battery.

Do not believe this concept because it is not true. Assuming you get lost in a land without a telephone wave, do not rush your phone away as it can still send signals to nearby phone network towers so that rescue workers can locate you.

What you need to do is turn off your phone half an hour to save battery.

3. Lie on the ground when you encounter a big storm

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Meeting storms, want to increase your chances of living, the less you will be exposed to the ground the better.

If you use this survival tip, you may be killed by lightning. The reason is that when there is a big storm, the soil will wet the water and become a perfect conductive environment. Therefore, if you want to increase your chances of living, the less you will be exposed to the ground the better.

In this case, avoid indoor storms. If there is no building around, squat under a big tree but make sure the tree is not the biggest.

4. Jump out from the fast-moving car

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If you're forced to jump out of the car while you're running, make sure the vehicle's speed is moderate.

On action movies, there are often scenes of actors jumping out of cars running very fast and unharmed. But in fact, you will have a low chance of surviving this action because the car's too big speed makes your body seriously injured.

If you are forced to jump out of the car while running, make sure that the speed of the vehicle is moderate, there are no obstacles on the road, such as rocks, signs . and should jump out in a direction that is perpendicular to the direction of travel. of the car.

5. Determine the direction thanks to moss growing on the tree

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If you don't have a compass, use the watch, not on the moss.

You must have heard the tip: the moss will grow on the trunk towards the north and it will help us determine the direction. But this rule is only true for the Northern Hemisphere and it is not always accurate. Mosses grow in places where moisture is high so it can grow anywhere on the stem.

The correct way is: If you don't have a compass, use the watch. Keep the watch straight in front of your face so that the hour hand points to the sun. After that, divide the angle by the needle indicating the time and the line 6-12 creates, this bisector line will point North - South.

6. Eat snow to relieve thirst

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Eating snow does not help you less thirst but also causes other illnesses for your body.

No matter how thirsty you are, never eat snow because to load 1 cup of water into your body, you'll have to eat up to a few snow buckets. This does not help reduce thirst but also causes other illnesses for the body.

In this case, find the ice sheet and melt it to get the drink.

7. You can run faster than a wild animal

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It is better to learn about their behavior to protect yourself.

Don't think that humans can escape wildlife by running fast because we are always slower than them. When meeting wild animals, it is better to learn about their behavior to protect yourself:

  • If you meet deer, avoid their paths. If the deer is too aggressive, you should climb a tree or a high rock.
  • If you meet a wild boar, it is better not to provoke a piglet or the mother pig will pursue you. If you are chased by a wild boar, you should climb on anything high.
  • When you meet a bear, stay away from it immediately. When it's chased, try to hide somewhere because you can't run faster than it.
  • When you meet the wolf, step back slowly and talk softly to the wolf. Then find a tree to climb up.

8. Raw meat can treat bruises around the eyes

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Raw meat can easily lead to infection and death.

This is also a very misconception because the raw meat will cause the wounded skin around the eyes to become infected and lead to death if not treated promptly.

What you need to do is to put cold ice on the bruise for 15-20 minutes.

9. Can fire in the cave

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When burning in a cave, the temperature will cause the stone to expand and easily cause the cave to collapse.

In the movie, the fire-fighting characters in the cave are certainly no stranger but it is an absurd phenomenon. When burning in a cave, the temperature will cause the stone to expand and easily cause the cave to collapse. So, you should only fire in the open air.

10. People with head injuries do not sleep

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Depending on the severity of the injury, if the victim is not sleeping, they are tired and weaker.

This situation is also very common in movies: people who are injured in the head are not allowed to sleep because they can lead to unconsciousness and death at any time. But in fact, depending on the severity of the injury, if the victim is not sleeping, they are tired and weaker. When you fall asleep, minor head injuries will recover. If the victim is seriously injured, quickly take the emergency as soon as possible.

11. Need to move immediately if lost

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The best way is to move only when the correct direction has been determined.

This is also completely wrong because if you move continuously when you get lost, it will be very powerless and the rescue team will be hard to find you. The best way is to move only when you have determined the correct direction, otherwise leave a trail and find a safe haven for rescue.

12. You can overcome the tornado

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When you see a tornado, quickly close all doors, and if you're late, you'll be swept away by the tornado.

On film, you will often see characters with very little influence from the tornado, even if they are calm when it is very close. But in fact, when you see a tornado, quickly close all doors, ventilation holes and find essential items such as water, food, flashlight and then go to the shelter. If there is a delay, maybe things that are swept away like billboards, cars . will cause you to be injured. Or you will be swept into the whirlwind.

13. The warning sign is not worrisome

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Never underestimate the warning sea.

Never underestimate warning signs as it will help you stay away from dangerous situations. If you want to challenge yourself, look for safe places.

Update 18 December 2018



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