Yogurt reduces infections in children

Parents who want to reduce the number of coughs, abdominal pain or infections of their children should feed their babies with probiotic yogurt, a new study has shown.

Picture 1 of Yogurt reduces infections in children

The research team from Georgetown Medical Center used more than 600 children, ages 3-6, to study a study to see if the Lactobasillus casei strain DN 114-001 has any effect on common infectious diseases. usually or not.

Parents in the study agreed to let their children eat yogurt regularly. Half of the families received traditional yogurt, the other half received probiotic yogurt (yogurt supplemented with beneficial bacteria). Parents may not know the type of yogurt they receive.

At the end of the 3-month study period, according to parents' reports, children who received probiotic yogurt had fewer than 24% fewer intestinal infections, and 18% fewer upper respiratory infections. with children using regular yogurt.

Although the study did not accurately examine how beneficial bacteria in yogurt prevent infections, research leader Daniel Merenstein said previous studies also showed that probiotics had photos. Common effects on the immune system, improving eczema and asthma symptoms.