Why shouldn't you eat fat-free, low-fat yogurt?

Many people prefer low-fat or fat-free yogurt with the idea that they do not cause weight gain and are healthier than regular full-cream yogurt. However, according to nutrition experts, this is a completely wrong view.

This is because fat or low-fat yogurt products often contain more sugar than necessary.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that everyone eat about 50g of sugar a day. The latest nutritional guidelines also state that adults should not receive more than 10% of daily calories absorbed from sugars.

Picture 1 of Why shouldn't you eat fat-free, low-fat yogurt?
Whole cream yogurt tends to contain less sugar.

However, a low-fat yogurt product can contain up to 30g of sugar, which is equivalent to 60% of the US Department of Agriculture's USDA daily allowance. The reason why low-fat yogurt products often have so much sugar is so simple: They are not high in fat. Therefore, manufacturers have to add sugars (though they are mentioned in the ingredients list of sugar cane, corn syrup or fructose) to make yogurt taste better.

Whole cream yogurt tends to contain less sugar , as they have a great taste. After all, milk has a natural sweet taste, so you don't need to add sugar to it. Even if you decide to add some honey to yogurt, you also increase the amount of sweetener much less than the added sugar, found in most low-fat yogurt products.

One thing experts note is that you don't need to worry about the fat in yogurt being harmful to you. The reason is, the fat in yogurt is not trans fat , which can increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes in humans.

Picture 2 of Why shouldn't you eat fat-free, low-fat yogurt?
If you want to eat low-fat yogurt, check the label to see how much sugar you load from that product.

In addition, some recent studies have even shown that the low-fat food craze is actually a mistake. Researchers found that high-fat, low-carbohydrate and high-protein diets can actually reduce the risk of heart disease and blood pressure.

So next time, if you want to eat low-fat yogurt, check the label to see how much sugar you can add from that product.