You are inferior to children if you cannot solve this puzzle under 20s

Today, we come to a puzzle that is storming the world's forums these days: classic puzzle puzzle.

We come together with a super super easy puzzle, but it is extremely difficult to solve quickly.

Today, we come to a puzzle that is storming the world's forums these days: classic puzzle puzzle.

More specifically, the puzzle was posted on Quora, and it attracted thousands of participants. So why does it cause a storm? That's because easy riddles are easy, but their children are mostly able to do it in just 20 seconds. That is, if you cannot do less than 20s, then you are too much worse than a child.

Are you ready to try?

Question: The following 4 squares are created by 12 toothpicks. Only move 3 toothpicks, turn 4 squares into 3 squares.

Note : do not break, do not lose any toothpick. All toothpicks must be the edge of the square.

Picture 1 of You are inferior to children if you cannot solve this puzzle under 20s

Is it done, it's about 10 seconds away .

If it's not done, think about it, or see the answer below.


Step 1:

Picture 2 of You are inferior to children if you cannot solve this puzzle under 20s

Move the toothpick of the top left square to the right of the 2 squares.

Step 2:

Picture 3 of You are inferior to children if you cannot solve this puzzle under 20s

Take one edge of that square to the right.

Step 3:

Picture 4 of You are inferior to children if you cannot solve this puzzle under 20s

Take the toothpick node of the middle square and fold it to the right.So we have 3 squares and still have 12 sticks.

Can you solve it? Please leave a comment below.

Update 18 December 2018



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