10 exotic places on Google Earth map

Google Earth images taken from satellites, airplanes, and balloons reveal strange places on Earth that can only be seen from space.

Google Earth images taken from satellites, airplanes, and balloons reveal strange places on Earth that can only be seen from space.

Picture 1 of 10 exotic places on Google Earth map

Scientists discovered more than 50 giant drawings on the ground in northern Kazakhstan, according to Live Science.They have many different shapes including circles, cross marks, squares, even swastika.The drawings were not known for thousands of years until Dmitriy Dey, an archaeological enthusiast, discovered them using Google Earth in 2007.

Picture 2 of 10 exotic places on Google Earth map

Google Earth images make many believe this is an undiscovered pyramid in Egypt.This structure formed by nature or man-made is still a mystery, because Egypt limits the number and scale of archaeological excavations.

Picture 3 of 10 exotic places on Google Earth map

Sandy Island in the southern Pacific Ocean is located between Australia and New Caledonia, in the French overseas territory and named on many maps from the past decade. The island appears as a black polygon on the Google Earth application. In November 2012, researchers at the University of Sydney, Australia, arrived at the location of Sandy Island on the map, but they did not see anything. Since then, Sandy has been dubbed the "ghost island".

Picture 4 of 10 exotic places on Google Earth map

The big pentagram with a diameter of 366m is carved into the surface of the Earth on a deserted steppe in northern Kazakhstan.The star with a circle around appears vividly on Google Maps, a more detailed online version of Google Earth.Many people believe that the star is used to worship devils, pagans or people of the afterlife.

Picture 5 of 10 exotic places on Google Earth map

The Syrian civil war caused hundreds of archaeological sites to be devastated, including six UNESCO world natural heritage sites. Images of Google Earth show, the entire city of ancient Romans in Apamea, Syria, became pitted with bomb mouths. "It looks like the surface of the Moon. In eight months, the area was looted more than the total excavated area , " said Emma Cunliffe, an archaeologist at Durham University in the UK.

Picture 6 of 10 exotic places on Google Earth map

On the outskirts of Sadr, Iraq (coordinates 33,396157 ° north latitude and 44,486926 ° east longitude in Google Earth) a blood-like red lake appeared but no one explained the strange color of the lake. .

Picture 7 of 10 exotic places on Google Earth map

Hamad bin Hamdan al Nahyan, a member of Abu Dhabi's billionaire family, engraved his name on the sandy surface of the Futaisi island owned by him in the Persian Gulf region.HAMAD letters are longer than 3km, so large that they can be seen from space.Seawater flows into the text at high tide and recedes at low tide.

Picture 8 of 10 exotic places on Google Earth map

This Google Earth image shows mysterious structures in the Gobi desert, China.According to experts, this is a secret military base for various purposes including weapons testing, satellite satellite tuning and radar measuring equipment testing.

Picture 9 of 10 exotic places on Google Earth map

The upper lip is actually a hill in Gharb, Darfur, Sudan, with coordinates 12 ° 22'13.32 "north latitude, 23 ° 19'20.18" longitude.

Picture 10 of 10 exotic places on Google Earth map

At coordinates 30 ° 30'38.44 "south and 115 ° 22'56.03" east longitude in Australia, a strange triangle with bright light appears in the field. Since its discovery in 2007, UFO hunters have quickly named it "UFO triangle" hovering above Earth.Some people believe that this may be the antenna connected to the remote remote wind farm.

Update 18 December 2018



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