10 most brutal experiments on the human body

History has recorded many brutal experiments on the human body, on behalf of scientific purposes.

History has recorded many brutal experiments on the human body, on behalf of scientific purposes.

The most brutal experiments on the human body

1. 1960s: Injecting Agent Orange

People have secretly injected dioxin, a poison often used in chemical weapons, for American prisoners to see how it affects human skin. Injected with a certain dose of poison 468 times, the victims grew acne spots and pustules causing pain throughout their bodies.

2. 1200s: "Prohibited" experiments

In order to determine the origin of the language, Roman emperor Frederick raised newborn babies without human interaction. The experiment is expected to reveal the development of the words of Adam and Eve. As a result, the children were dumb when growing up.

Video of 10 most brutal experiments on human body

3. 1950s: Midnight orgasm campaign

In order to serve a pharmaceutical study, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) paid money to prostitutes secretly poisoning their customers with drugs LSD in brothels . Unpredictable high-dose drug use caused a policeman to become insane and conduct an armed robbery.

4. Period 1946 - 1948: Syphilis of Guatemala

Americans have deliberately infected Guatemala prisoners with syphilis to see if the disease could go away without treatment. After being infected with pathogens from prostitutes and injections, 5,500 patients developed inflammatory pain, motor coordination problems and tumors.

5. The 1940s: The sulfonamide study

Nazi scientists tested antimicrobial treatment of war injuries by simulating battle wounds in prisoners . The " death " team cut or shot bullets into prisoners' hands, feet, rubbed glass fragments into their wounds and used them to infect them.

6. The 1940s: Unit 731 - live anatomy

Scientists of Japanese fascists have performed live surgeries on patients without anesthesia to study the disease. They cut open the middle part of the prisoners, then infected them with the infection of typhus and cholera. The survivors will be hanged to death.

7. 1862: Electric shock on the face

Neuroscientist Duchenne de Boulogne electrocuted the face of patients to study human expressions. A person must experience up to 100 times such electric shock, while abdominal paralysis keeps his expression long enough to take pictures.

8. 1931: Cancer injection

American doctor Cornelius Rhoads infected the cancer cells with Puerto Rican patients in an attempt to ruin the country. He killed 13 patients before being arrested, but later won the American Cancer Society's award in 1955.

9. 1954: Project 4.1

The US tested atomic bombs on the Marshall Islands, causing residents here to be exposed to radioactive dust. The victims were denied treatment. Instead, the US studies cancer-related diseases of their radiation and forces them to leave the islands.

10. 1970s - 1980s: Project aversion

Under Apartheid, South Africa tried to "cure" gay men and eliminate homosexuality from society. Hundreds of people were " sick " and underwent the " sex adjustment " surgery required to make them women.

Update 18 December 2018



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