11 strange frogs and frogs: Vietnam has 2 representatives

In the list of 11 toads, strange frogs in the world are given by Listverse website, Vietnam has 2 species that are

In the list of 10 strange toads and frogs in the world, listed by Listverse, Vietnam has 2 species that are 'present'.

Picture 1 of 11 strange frogs and frogs: Vietnam has 2 representatives

Brazilian horns are found in the South American rainforest. This horny toad is different from other amphibians. Thanks to the leaf-like skin, they often hide in leaves to disguise. This species is quite aggressive, they even attack humans.

Picture 2 of 11 strange frogs and frogs: Vietnam has 2 representatives

New flying frogs were discovered and documented in January 2013. They are characterized by being able to fly thanks to film-like legs. They are found in South Vietnam. To evade enemies, they often have to swing themselves on branches. Children often use skin on their hands to assist in flying.

Picture 3 of 11 strange frogs and frogs: Vietnam has 2 representatives

Harlequin frogs live mainly in Costa Rica. Over the years, due to fungal growth and climate change, the number of these species has been significantly reduced, and they are on the brink of extinction. Harlequin frog is a poisonous toad, its venom is 100 times stronger than potassium sinua.

Picture 4 of 11 strange frogs and frogs: Vietnam has 2 representatives

Morogoro plants live mainly in the forests and grasslands of Tanzania. They have a different color compartment (which can be yellow, gray, blue, red, white) in the eyes and limbs, often in contrast to the color of the whole body. Young toad eggs hatched in the mother's body and were born as a complete toad - a very dangerous thing in amphibians.

Picture 5 of 11 strange frogs and frogs: Vietnam has 2 representatives

Venezuela quartz rafts live mainly in mountainous areas with many steep cliffs. When in danger, this species often curls its head and limbs into the body and rolls down the nearest hill. They are not scratched when rolling because they are quite light, while the muscles are very strong.

Picture 6 of 11 strange frogs and frogs: Vietnam has 2 representatives

Vietnamese moss toad is found in forests and swamps in northern Vietnam. When in danger, this toad hide its feet inside, and only leaves the body full of moss. This is their very wise camouflage.

Picture 7 of 11 strange frogs and frogs: Vietnam has 2 representatives

Turtle-turtles live mainly in Western Australia. It has a rather strange shape, looking like an unspoiled turtle, with a round, pink-brown body, a small head and short legs. Their legs are strong, can dig sand and break down termites.

Picture 8 of 11 strange frogs and frogs: Vietnam has 2 representatives

Frogs live mainly in the Amazon region. Green in color, but their transparent skin allows us to 'penetrate' their internal bodies, even when the female frog becomes pregnant, we can see eggs in our bodies. The transparent body helps frogs camouflage with the sun.

Picture 9 of 11 strange frogs and frogs: Vietnam has 2 representatives

Surinam Toad lives mainly in the Amazon rainforest. Unlike other species, this toad has small eyes, but has a large, flat body. The toad body is brownish in color. It has no tongue and teeth.

Picture 10 of 11 strange frogs and frogs: Vietnam has 2 representatives

Purple toad is one of the poisonous toad species and is the only member of the Nasikabatrachidae family. This toad has smooth and purple skin, a large, round body and short legs. Purple toad mainly live on the ground and only on the ground for 2 weeks / year.

Picture 11 of 11 strange frogs and frogs: Vietnam has 2 representatives

Giant toad Goliah is the largest toad in the world. It can be up to 33cm long and weighs 3kg. Toad lives mainly in West Africa. They eat crabs, small snakes and other toads. Extremely healthy feet help them jump up to 10m. Unfortunately, this species is affected by hunting, deforestation and trade activities.

Update 15 December 2018



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