18 experiences to survive in dangerous situations, the number 7 is unexpected

Did you know that if you catch fire, you need to lie down and roll over? But life also has many other dangerous situations that we need to handle quickly.

Skills to survive when lost in the forest or in dangerous cases are very important. Did you know that if you catch fire, you need to lie down and roll over? But life also has many other dangerous situations that we need to handle quickly.

The commentators on the Quora forum have provided the best experiences in dangerous situations. According to Business Insider, these experiences are easy to remember and can be helpful to you.

1. Your brain cannot handle "multitasking" when you go while using your phone at the same time. So please pay attention.

Picture 1 of 18 experiences to survive in dangerous situations, the number 7 is unexpected

Safety consultant Murali Krishnan explained that two road travel and phone calls require a lot of brain awareness. Therefore, you cannot fully focus on both things at the same time. This is different when you chew gum.

When you go while watching the phone, you will lose your ability to pay attention. At that time you can see a car approaching but not able to handle it because the brain is scattered.

2. Eliminate blind spots when driving a car by adjusting the rearview mirror

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Mr. Kristen Rush said, all vehicles have blind spots (which are not visible in the rearview mirror). You should adjust the rearview mirror to see the sides of the car. This effectively eliminates blind spots beside the vehicle.

The rearview mirror can see every car behind you. So just a few minutes to adjust the mirror will help you drive safer.

3. Heat travels through water faster than air. So keep it warm by keeping it dry, avoid getting wet

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There is a connection between being wet and cold. So to ensure your body temperature doesn't drop too quickly in cold weather, wear woolen clothes instead of cotton. Sweater will absorb moisture so your friend is not exposed to steam. And of course, it is best to keep it dry.

4. Do not eat snow to replace drinking water, unless you must

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Our bodies need a lot of energy to convert matter from one form to another.

So you should not eat snow instead of drinking water. If you eat snow, you may get some water but your body temperature will be much reduced.

5. If the plane lands on the water, you need to stretch the life jacket after leaving the plane

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Alvin Yip warned everyone not to inflate the rescue clothes as soon as the plane landed emergencyly on the water. Water can enter the cabin making it more difficult for you to move if floating.

So swim out the exit door, then inflate your life jacket to continue to emerge.

6. Self-cure when suffering from heterochromatic substances

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When you choke or choke in your throat, you can handle it yourself by the following way:

  • Hold one hand under your ribs, just above your navel.The other hand rests on the hand holding a stronger thrust.
  • Press your hand inward and upwards like a few times, until the object bounces off your throat.

7. Stick the stick on the person who is electrocuted

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When electrocuted, the muscles shrink, causing the person to not escape the power line. The best way is to disconnect the power.

But if you can't, you need to disconnect the person from the power line, without touching them. The easiest way is to get a long object, like a stick, and hit it hard to pull it out.

8. Human limitations follow the 3-rule principle

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In dangerous situations, you can remember the following 3 things about the stamina of a human body.

People can generally tolerate 3 minutes without breathing, 3 hours outdoors in extreme weather conditions, 3 days without drinking water, and 3 weeks without eating.

9. If the cooking is running, you should turn off the stove and cover the stove with the blanket

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If you use water to pour on a burning stove, it may cause the fire to burst high. The simple way is to turn off the stove and not let the flame have air by covering the blanket or sheet with it.

10. When you stab a person with a sharp object, you should not pull it out

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If you withdraw, you have the risk of bleeding without stopping. So leave it alone and prevent blood flow until you find a doctor.

11. Most aircraft accidents occur after take-off 3 minutes or before landing 8 minutes

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The flight safety agency often reminded of this "after 3 before 8" principle, and advised people to pay close attention at the time of take-off and before landing. 80% of accidents occur during this period.

So you should be alert and pay attention to the escape route, instead of listening to music or watching movies.

12. Most of the fatalities in house fires are caused by smoke inhalation, not fire

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So, in the event of a fire, you need to lower your body and use a water-soaked towel to avoid inhaling asphyxiation.

13. If you are injured in public, choose 1 person and ask for support

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Psychological analyzes show that a crowd turned out to be difficult to help people in distress because everyone thinks others will. If you are injured and still have the strength to ask for help, choose one from the crowd and ask that person to help.

14. Bright flashlight is an anti-attack weapon

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Instead of using weapons, a powerful flashlight can help you get rid of an attacker.

If someone rushes near you, shine the flashlight in the person's eyes, which will help you escape the dangerous situation in the blink of an eye. If you make a bad judgment and it turns out that the person doesn't attack you, the flashlight will not cause any harm.

15. If you get lost in the desert, try to find a fence or a stream

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Usually the stream always flows down, leading to a large flow or a river. And the fence will lead to a road or a building.

16. Use balloons to store water

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In the context of having to reserve rare and precious water, you can use balloons because they have good elasticity. In addition, balloons help protect other furniture from getting wet like matches, phones, radios, .

17. Exit before the time runs out

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When authorities announce warnings to people, many people often wait until an evacuation order moves. Psychologists call it "normalization tendency", which means people tend to think things will be fine despite the danger signs.

Experts advise people to break down the "trend of normalization" by setting many ways to escape when in public places, such as at a cinema, in a restaurant. Prepare mentally for bad situations to help you become more careful.

18. Falling power cord is often dangerous

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Because power lines often have high capacity, they can pass through sandy soil to surrounding places. So if you see the power line falling on the road, call the police immediately. If the power line is near, you should jump over and avoid going near.

Update 18 December 2018



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