2-day smoking is addictive enough

After only 2 days of trying smoking, children could depend on it. This finding contradicts the long-held view that smoking takes longer to cause addiction.

After only 2 days of trying smoking, children could depend on it. This finding contradicts the long-held view that smoking takes longer to cause addiction.

Picture 1 of 2-day smoking is addictive enough
"The important thing of this study is that it contradicts the opinion that has been approved for decades, that people have to smoke at least 5 cigarettes a day for a long time to become a slave to cigarettes" Joseph DiFranza, research leader from the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine, said.

The study also found that children need only 7 cigarettes a month to have symptoms of drug dependence.

Children volunteered to interview 11 times in 4 years. They also took saliva samples to determine the amount of nicotine and their relationship to addictive behaviors.

T. An

Update 14 December 2018



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