5 predictions changed the technology world of Nikola Tesla a century ago

Nikola Tesla is a great Serbian-American inventor, his contributions have changed the technology world a century ago.

Nikola Tesla is a great Serbian-American inventor, his contributions have changed the technology world a century ago.

These predictions change the technology world of Nikola Tesla

Throughout his life, Tesla has registered 300 patents. In it, many of his inventions are still in use and of great importance in modern devices today.

Picture 1 of 5 predictions changed the technology world of Nikola Tesla a century ago


But not all of his ideas come true, just like the ambition of wireless transmission . There were Tesla's ideas that surpassed human knowledge, knowledge and technology at that time.

"Let the future prove the truth and see those who acknowledge that effort and achievement. Now belongs to them, and the future belongs to me, what I am doing."

Even many scientists have mocked his ideas, when Tesla wanted to create a weapon that emits high-energy rays to burn targets instead of firing lead bullets. They think it only exists in science fiction.

But almost a century later, those crazy ideas of the great inventor became a reality, when human knowledge was enough to understand and technology was enough to create them. It shows that Nikola Tesla is not crazy at all, just that his vision is too far from the ability of science at that time.

1. Mobile phone

In 1901, while building a radio signal system across the Atlantic, Tesla came up with a very special idea. Tesla shared that idea with the investor of the project he was working on, JP Morgan. His idea is about a 'global telegraph system ', which allows us to talk from very far away with a compact personal device . This system will work thanks to the radio signal.

Picture 2 of 5 predictions changed the technology world of Nikola Tesla a century ago

We will soon be able to send information without wires, anyone can do it with a personal device.

"We will soon be able to send information without wires, anyone can do it with a personal device."

After that, Tesla believed that Morgan could make a lot of money by producing and selling such devices. He even believes that devices will be able to send voice messages, or listen to music remotely.

According to W. Bernard Carlson, a historian at the University of Virginia and author of the book 'Tesla: Inventor of the Electrical Age ' (published in 2013), our great inventor has the concept of The world's first mobile phone more than a century ago. And Tesla's vision has become a reality, as mobile phones have become the greatest invention in the 21st century. Perhaps if the 1901 technology met, Tesla was the first to create. mobile phones, not waiting until 1973.

2. Think reading camera

In September 1933, Tesla answered a number of reporters about the projects they were studying. In it, he mentioned a device that could 'capture images of brain thinking'. He believes that in our brains, any thought can produce a corresponding image on the retina. And with a special device, Tesla can read a person's thoughts through images on the retina.

Picture 3 of 5 predictions changed the technology world of Nikola Tesla a century ago

Although this Tesla project has never been realized, it sets the first concept for studying the activity of neural signals in the brain . Although scientists today do not read thoughts through our retina, they can do an EEG , studying every function of the brain. And the future of mind reading machines is probably not far away.

3. Watch videos online

Tesla actually had the idea of ​​watching online videos from the 1926s, which became very popular today with the internet, computers and smartphones. In a 1926 report, Tesla predicted that by applying the principle of radio broadcasting, future devices would allow people to watch TV channels anywhere. These devices will be very compact and can carry with you.

Picture 4 of 5 predictions changed the technology world of Nikola Tesla a century ago

He also spoke in Weekly Collier magazine ' We will be able to witness the inauguration of the President, the world baseball league, the destruction of the earthquake or even a war like we are present. in which'.

Tesla's prediction has come true, as online video has become so popular today. We can easily follow live narrative events around the world at anytime and anywhere.

4. Wireless power

Perhaps Tesla's biggest ambition is to find a way to transmit electricity in the air without wires. Tesla succeeded in lighting a light bulb without a wire, but then failed to build a large-capacity power transmission system.

Picture 5 of 5 predictions changed the technology world of Nikola Tesla a century ago

Today, inventors have developed a number of technologies that can help make this crazy idea of ​​Tesla a reality.Wireless charging technology of digital devices is now a practical application from Tesla's idea. By induction current, we can pass electricity through the air without wires.

Although the current technology is still limited, such as not using a large distance, the consumption on the transmission line will reduce performance and make it impractical for using wires. A number of new technologies are being studied, such as wireless charging by radio, in this way devices will be able to charge longer distances than conventional wireless charging technology.

5. Communicate with aliens

In 1899, while experimenting with telegraph waves on high frequencies, Tesla obtained special radio signals. He believes that these signals do not come from Earth but originate from outside the universe.

Picture 6 of 5 predictions changed the technology world of Nikola Tesla a century ago

Tesla rewrote: ' The changes I have recorded are cyclical, have a clear number and order. Sometimes the signal is disturbed by the action of the Sun or Earth's magnetic motion. But I was accustomed to these phenomena and made sure that the signals I received did not come from those causes. I have a strong feeling that I am the first to receive messages from another planet. '

So far, scientists have argued that Tesla could acquire cosmic radio waves , an unknown phenomenon at the time. However, modern scientists still believe in the existence of aliens . Although we haven't seen any signs yet, the search for aliens will continue, following Tesla's vision more than a century ago.

Update 18 December 2018



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