8 foods that are good for both your body and mind

Supplementing with healthy foods such as soybeans, salmon, raw garlic. not only helps your body stay healthy, but also helps your mind reduce stress and increase a sense of happiness.

Our mind and body are connected through the nervous system. For example, when you feel stressed, the brain will notify the intestines, making your whole body feel excited, frustrated . 

Here are some foods that have a positive effect on both your body and mind:

1. Soybeans

Picture 1 of 8 foods that are good for both your body and mind

Soybeans contain amino acids that are important for the body's muscles and bones. It also helps with sleep disorders and insomnia. Soy also reduces the risk of serious diseases like Alzheimer's. 

Soy is very good for women. Entering menopause, many women will face mood swings, lack of concentration and fatigue. At this point, the body is gradually stopping the production of estrogen, and soy supplements are a simple way to help you regain estrogen. 

Soy contains isoflavones – chemicals derived from plants – that act as a replacement for the estrogen that women need during this period. They are found in tofu, soy milk, miso soup, soy yogurt, and soy flour. However, soy may be responsible for early puberty and early menopause by affecting the brain. So you should not abuse soy if you have not gone through menopause.

2. Salmon

Picture 2 of 8 foods that are good for both your body and mind

Salmon is a food rich in omega, especially omega-3. Omega-3s bind directly to your brain and help improve the function of cells, helping to reduce the risk of sadness, depression, memory problems like dementia in the elderly.

The body cannot make omega-3 on its own, so you need to get it through your diet and salmon is a good choice for you. Salmon also has the ability to balance hormones, make you happy, control appetite and boost serotonin (the happy hormone). 

3. Raw garlic

Picture 3 of 8 foods that are good for both your body and mind

Raw garlic brings a lot of benefits to the brain, including improving memory for the elderly. Allicin is a sulfur-carrying compound found only in raw garlic. It has anti-aging and disease-fighting effects and boosts serotonin levels. You can eat raw garlic directly or mix it into salads.

4. Bitter Chocolate

Picture 4 of 8 foods that are good for both your body and mind

Bitter chocolate contains a large amount of cocoa (50%-90%) so it is completely different from regular sweet chocolate. The darker the chocolate, the better. When this chocolate is loaded into the body, it prompts your brain to release endorphins – chemicals that help you feel relaxed, help manage stress and increase feelings of happiness. 

Cocoa also has the ability to promote blood flow to your brain. Cocoa helps improve mental function in the elderly by minimizing word production, making them feel more balanced.

5. Walnuts

Picture 5 of 8 foods that are good for both your body and mind

Nuts like flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, and chia seeds are all good for brain health, but the best ones are walnuts. Walnuts are a great source of protein and healthy fats, which help keep blood sugar levels balanced and clear the arteries. 

They contain omega-3s that have a beneficial effect on mood, and also reduce anxiety and depression. Eating walnuts daily will help you stay optimistic, energetic and increase focus.

6. Sage

Picture 6 of 8 foods that are good for both your body and mind

Sage contains antioxidants that boost memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and concentration. Flavonoid plant compounds in sage have been shown to improve brain health and prevent serious diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. In addition to these benefits, it also helps prevent depression, anxiety, and improves digestion.

7. Vitamin C

Picture 7 of 8 foods that are good for both your body and mind

Vitamin C is well known for its ability to boost the immune system, but did you know that it also has an effect on your emotions? If you often feel mentally sluggish and tired, chances are you're not getting enough vitamin C. 

Oranges, kiwis, peppers, strawberries, kale… are excellent sources of vitamin C. Regularly eating foods containing vitamin C will help you promote brain health, prevent mental depression, increase concentration, improve memory, and reduce the risk of depression, anxiety and many serious diseases. other important.

  1. 9 essential vitamins and minerals for a healthy body

8. Seaweed

Picture 8 of 8 foods that are good for both your body and mind

Seaweed contains a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids that are extremely good for the brain. Magnesium in seaweed will help you deal with stress, and iodine is good for mental performance. 

In addition to regular seaweed (used to roll sushi, cook Korean seaweed soup), you can also eat kelp, wakame, nori and many others.