Carrots are good, but eating with these foods is very harmful to the body

Carrots are a popular food that many people like to eat. With delicious taste and rich nutrition, carrots are very beneficial to human health. However, eating carrots with these foods should be avoided if you do not want your body to have problems.

The effect of carrots on health

  1. Good for the eyes : Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, a precursor that converts into vitamin A, protects the health of the eyes, prevents macular degeneration and cataracts due to old age.
  2. Stabilize blood pressure : Carrots contain just enough sodium to maintain blood pressure at a reasonable level in the body. For those who consume carrots regularly, their blood pressure will always be in a stable state and under control.
  3. Cancer prevention: According to the latest research, the carrot falcarinol compound has been shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers in humans such as liver, lung and colon.

Picture 1 of Carrots are good, but eating with these foods is very harmful to the body
Carrots contain just enough sodium to maintain proper blood pressure in the body.

  1. Skin beauty: The vitamin A in carrots helps the skin always smooth and beautiful. If vitamin A deficiency, the skin and hair will be excessively dry. Carrots also help reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the face.
  2. Lower cholesterol: Carrots contain large amounts of soluble fiber, mainly pectin, which helps reduce bad cholesterol in the body.
  3. Cardiovascular protection : Due to rich in carotenoids, carrots have the effect of preventing the risk of heart disease. In addition, alpha-carotene and lutein found in carrots also protect the heart to stay healthy and work effectively.
  4. Body detox : Carrots contain high levels of antioxidants and vitamin A, so they help eliminate toxins in the body, reduce fat accumulation in the liver.
  5. Preventing dementia : According to research from Harvard University, USA, for 18 years showed that men consume 50 mg of beta-carotene in vegetables, especially carrots, reducing the risk of dementia 1-1, 5 years compared to those who took a placebo containing beta-carotene. This compound protects the central nervous system, prevents premature aging.

Picture 2 of Carrots are good, but eating with these foods is very harmful to the body
Carrots contain high levels of antioxidants and vitamin A, so they help eliminate toxins in the body, reduce fat accumulation in the liver.

  1. Enhance bone health : Carrots contain small amounts of important nutrients like vitamin C (5mg per bowl) and calcium (96mg per bowl). Many people, especially menopausal women, don't get enough calcium, so eating carrots daily can support stronger bones.

4 foods should not be eaten with carrots

  1. 1. Carrots incompatible with eggplant: These two foods should not be eaten together, because the nutrients in carrots and eggplants will cause reactions, easily forming indigestible substances, causing a No. harm to the stomach.
  2. 2. Carrots incompatible with lemon: Because lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, more carrots contain more enzymes, if eating these two foods together will destroy vitamin C in lemon. Thus our body will not absorb the original nutrients, while reducing the nutritional components of each other.

Picture 3 of Carrots are good, but eating with these foods is very harmful to the body
Absolutely do not cook carrots with the liver of animals, because in the liver of animals contain a lot of high levels of metals, especially copper and iron.

  1. 3. Carrot not cooked with animal liver: Absolutely not cook carrot with animal liver, because animal liver contains a lot of high content metals, especially copper and iron. Meanwhile, the vitamin C content in carrots will oxidize and eliminate all the effects of these metal ions. Besides, due to its high content of cellulose and oxalic acid, eating carrots together will disrupt the absorption of iron in the body.
  2. 4. Before eating carrots, do not eat acidic foods : For example, oranges, grapes . these foods are easy to form a certain intestinal stimulation, will not be beneficial for absorption and consumption. intestinal chemistry.
  3. How to grow delicious mini carrots cheap at home
  4. The effect of carrots increases the adhesion of cement