A bunch of photos about the Head Monkey nebula

NASA has just released a series of impressive new images of the Monkey Head Nebula, a star-forming cradle about 6,400 light-years from Earth.

NASA has just released a series of impressive new images of the Monkey Head Nebula, a star-forming cradle about 6,400 light-years from Earth.

Picture 1 of A bunch of photos about the Head Monkey nebula

Stunning photos of the Monkey Head Nebula - (Photo: NASA)

The photos were released on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the Hubble Space Telescope.

The star production factory named as the Monkey Head Nebula , or NGC 2174 , is a great subject of shooting due to the intense infrared energy of new stars born in conflict with clouds of dust, hydrogen, helium and Other ionizing gases, emitting bright light make the nebula stand out in the night sky.

The Monkey Head Nebula is a constellation of Orion, about 6,400 light-years from the Earth.

The new image of the nebula is captured with various filtering devices of the 3 Wide Field Camera on Hubble, according to Reuters.

Update 17 December 2018



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