A new species of fish has never been found in Australia

The new species has been described as a grouper and has its scientific name Epinephelus fuscomarginatus.

The new species has been described as a grouper and has its scientific name Epinephelus fuscomarginatus.

Before making a claim, in 2000, the Queensland Museum's fish expert Jeff Johnson was shown a picture of a mysterious grouper by a fisherman.

Later in 2017, Johnson caught five of the creatures waiting to be sold at a fish market in Brisbane.

Picture 1 of A new species of fish has never been found in Australia

Jeff Johnson and the newly discovered fish.

'As soon as I saw them, I thought they were probably a new species, so I bought it all year and started the hard work of proving that they were a new species,' Johnson said in a statement. .

The Queensland Museum geneticist, Dr. Jessica Worthington Wilmer has done a number of experiments in the molecular laboratory and after comparing them with other specimens in different museum collections, there were There is enough evidence to prove that it is a completely new species.

This new fish makes it noticeable by the dark edges around some fins.Epinephelus fuscomarginatus is 70cm long and lives at a depth of about 220-230 meters outside the central area of ​​the Great Barrier Reef.

The researchers conclude this is a new species by analyzing its DNA and comparing it with the DNA of other similar fish. Grouper is the 92nd member of the genus Epinephelus.

  • Catching giant grouper 2.7m long, weighing 400kg
  • A 2-pound monster grouper swallowed a shark in front of American fishermen
Update 30 October 2019



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