A strange cloud of toxic chemicals in the UK appeared

The authorities have advised people in the affected area to close their doors in their homes and others stop moving near the area.

People living in the East Sussex seaside neighborhood have been evacuated after a "chlorine cloud" incident that caused 50 visitors to have eye problems and breathe.

Incidents occur when visitors at Beachy Head - the famous landmark of England encounter strange symptoms such as itchy eyes and difficulty breathing, nausea. The authorities have advised people in the affected area to close their doors in their homes and others stop moving near the area.

The strange cloud caused dozens of unexplained pain in the eyes of the tourists believed to contain chlorine gas - because some witnesses found the yellow mist had a strong odor and felt "like in a swimming pool" symptom .

Picture 1 of A strange cloud of toxic chemicals in the UK appeared

The lighthouse at Beachy Head is surrounded by a strange gas.(Photo: Reuters).

Coast guard, police, ambulance and rescue teams gathered in Birling Gap to deal with the incident. The cloud entered the coast of Eastbourne to Birling Gap, part of Seven Sisters National Park.

The origin of this cloud has not been clarified, but rescue workers say it could be a kind of 'toxic smoke' . The inspector Bruce Mathews said: 'Apparently it came from the coast. Initially there was information about a fire in Birling Gap, but there were no fires. We have seen in previous incidents there were things that came from industrial parks in France. '

Picture 2 of A strange cloud of toxic chemicals in the UK appeared

The area must be evacuated because toxic gas causes strange symptoms.(Photo: Daily Mail).

Some outsiders believe that nuclear power stations on the northern coast of France have leaked.

Chlorine is a substance that was used 100 years ago in the second Ypres battle, when it was evaporated into a cloud. Chlorine gas is capable of choking, burning the lungs when inhaled in large quantities. But this substance is not as dangerous as neurotoxic gases like sarin.

Picture 3 of A strange cloud of toxic chemicals in the UK appeared

The 9km residential area on the East Sussex coast has been evacuated due to the yellow cloud causing symptoms of itchy eyes, difficulty breathing, and some nausea.(Photo: Daily Mail).

Many people are concerned that tourists may be stuck on the beach until the problem is resolved. However, the agency representative said: 'We are trying to check the areas to make sure everyone is safe.

Beachy Head is the famous cape area in England, with 161m high cliffs and high suicide rates of up to 20 cases per year.

Update 16 December 2018



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