Abnormal sweating: Red alert for health

Notes when the body sweats abnormally

Sweating is the body's normal response to hot weather and exercise. However, if sweat is secreted too much with strange symptoms, it may be a sign of a health problem that you need to pay attention to.

According to experts, sweating is a normal immune response to infection, because the body must raise its temperature to try to kill bacteria or viruses. However, if this happens often with excessive sweating, you need to see a doctor.

Picture 1 of Abnormal sweating: Red alert for health

Here are some causes of unusual sweating and solutions to that phenomenon.


Sweating can be a sign of hypoglycemia. Although this phenomenon is often associated with diabetes, it can happen in people who do not get sick when they stop or skip a meal, according to Dr Stephen Lawrence, a doctor and medical advisor to the Diabetes Association. Brother.

This expert explains that the human body always produces insulin hormone at mealtime to prepare for the regulation of glucose levels from food absorbed into the bloodstream. When we skip meals, the lack of glucose in the blood stimulates the release of adrenaline due to the body entering " survival or high flying" . This causes sweating.

Picture 2 of Abnormal sweating: Red alert for health

Some other symptoms of hypoglycemia may include fast heartbeat and hunger because of hunger.

Solution: To increase blood sugar immediately, eat a handful of soft, sweet candies. You then have to complete a meal to keep your blood sugar stable and avoid hypoglycemia. However, it should be noted to avoid eating a chocolate bar at this time because the fat in sweet products reduces the absorption of glucose in the body's cells, making it take longer for you to feel better.

Thyroid problems

Persistent sweating can be a sign of overactive thyroid or thyroid gland . Normally, the thyroid gland produces a hormone that controls the speed of the body using its stored energy as well as its sensitivity to other hormones. When too much thyroid hormone is produced, this phenomenon can cause persistent sweating by stimulating sweat glands.

Picture 3 of Abnormal sweating: Red alert for health

Hyperthyroidism can also lead to weight loss and heart palpitations, according to Dr Mark Vanderpump, an endocrinologist at the Royal Royal Hospital in London.

Solution: In this case, you can take medicine to reduce thyroid hormone levels. However, taking the medicine can take nearly 1 month to work.

Hormonal disorders

Men sweating at night, even if the weather is not too warm, may have low testosterone levels , said Dr. Christopher Eden, a doctor of hormonal counseling at Royal Surrey Hospital. When the amount of testosterone in the body is low, the hypothalamus - the brain region that controls many functions, including body temperature and blood pressure, receives artificial signals that the body is too hot, leading to the current sweating as a way to cool the body. Testosterone is also essential for the strength of muscles and bones, so people with low levels of this hormone may feel unusually weak and lethargic.

Meanwhile, night sweats in women are a sign of menopause , although scientists still don't know why low levels of estrogen cause this effect, especially at night. , according to Leila Hannah, obstetrician and gynecologist, Queen Mary University. Sweating can be aggravated just before or during the menstrual period because the estrogen level drops to the lowest level.

Picture 4 of Abnormal sweating: Red alert for health

Solution: For low testosterone in men, patients can be diagnosed through blood tests and treatment with testosterone supplementation in the form of gel applied or injected. However, before treatment, the patient needs to see a doctor to make sure he has no signs of prostate cancer because testosterone can make the disease worse.

For women, natural remedies, such as clover, have been found to help treat sweating in 60% of menopausal women. If this doesn't work, consult hormone replacement therapy with a specialist.

Use medicine

Sweating can be a side effect of taking antidepressants . This can happen at any time, but most people who take this medicine often have sweating at night. Some other drugs also cause sweating: antihypertensives, dry mouth, colds and flu, iron tablets and antibiotics. Stopping the use of strong painkillers can sometimes cause sweating.

Picture 5 of Abnormal sweating: Red alert for health

Solution : For people who are depressed, relax or exercise sport is an effective stress removal solution.

Nerves are faulty

Most people produce about 1 liter of sweat every day, or more when it's hot or during exercise. If you perspire yourself when it is cold or without triggers, it could be a sign of increased sweating , which affects about 2-3% of the world's population. This syndrome causes the subject to increase sweating by up to 10 times the normal level. According to Dr. Sajjad Rajpar, a dermatologist at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, people with sweating are said to have excess nerve signals from the brain to sweat glands .

Solution: Using an antiperspirant containing aluminum chloride can help prevent sweat glands. However, this may cause irritation.

Injecting botox into the palm of the hand can improve the state of sweating because it surrounds nerve impulses that control sweat glands. However, the effect usually fades after 6-9 months.

Picture 6 of Abnormal sweating: Red alert for health

Another way is for the area to be sweating into water with weak electrical current flowing through for 20-30 minutes. Patients often need 2 - 4 treatment sessions like this one week. After symptoms improve after a week, they need to repeat treatment once a month. This reduces the activity of sweat glands and is effective for 80-90% of patients.

The final solution is surgical removal of nerves that control sweat glands. However, this can lead to increased sweating in other places, as sweat accumulates through other sweat glands.

Heart attack

Sweating and feeling dizzy, fainting may be a warning sign of a heart attack . Chest pain may occur first or the symptoms may come immediately after exercise. Other signs include constriction, chest pain that spreads to the jaw, neck, arms and back.

Sweating in this way is part of a vagus - vascular reaction, causing a drop in heart rate and sudden blood pressure. Such reactions may also occur in people who are extremely painful, suffering from cerebral bleeding or acute appendicitis.

Picture 7 of Abnormal sweating: Red alert for health

Solution: Anyone who shows signs of a heart attack needs to be taken to the hospital as quickly as possible. In the meantime, they need to sit in a comfortable position and unless allergic, chew 300mg of aspirin slowly. This will help thin the blood, reduce blood clots and can prevent the expansion of blood clots that clog arteries.


If the smell of sweat is higher than usual, ask yourself if you are stressed .

Normally, sweat is caused by eccrine glands scattered all over the skin. The eccrine gland structure remains intact after sweating and the major component in the sweat of the gland contains only water and salt so it does not cause odor.

Picture 8 of Abnormal sweating: Red alert for health

However, when the body is stressed, apocrine glands are distributed in the armpits and genital areas more active. When excretion, fat and protein in apocrine glands mix with the bacteria on the skin causing a strong odor from the body.


Abnormal sweating, especially at night is an early symptom of some cancers. The most common type of cancer that causes people to sweat is lymphoma cancers, a type of malignant leukemia.

Restricted way

In order to limit sweating, we should see a doctor for proper diagnosis and prescriptions. Besides, the following measures can also help you to prevent sweating somewhat.

Picture 9 of Abnormal sweating: Red alert for health

  1. Add calcium-rich foods : Calcium-rich foods like fatty yogurt, cheese, almonds, baked beans, and calcium-rich milk.
  2. Eating fruits and vegetables will help your body stay hydrated, your digestive system works well.In particular, grape juice and tomato juice are considered to be very effective "natural remedies".
  3. Use olive oil : Olive oil not only helps reduce sweating but also is good for blood pressure and blood cholesterol.Olive oil has a very delicious flavor, we can use it instead of vegetable oil during cooking.
  4. Healthy diet : Spicy, oily and fat foods make the body sweat more than usual because they release the body to release toxins and waste passes through sweat, making the smell of sweat worse. .Besides, coffee or food that contains a lot of caffeine also increases sweating.Maintaining a reasonable diet will help you control this situation somewhat.
  5. Ensuring body hygiene : This is the most important principle in controlling body sweat.We should use neutral soaps or antiseptic soaps to make sure the body is clean and fresh.