Accurate prediction of the tragedy in Paris

A judge once made a terrifying prediction of the ongoing attack in Paris on November 13 and confirmed that they were just the beginning of the dark period of France to face.

A judge once made a terrifying prediction of the ongoing attack in Paris on November 13 and confirmed that they were just the beginning of the dark period of France to face.

Extremely predictive of terrorism in Paris

"The level of danger has risen to the maximum. France has become the top target of terrorist groups. They continually express their intention to attack us clearly. In contrast, the terrorist apparatus of we have become more loose and less effective than ever.The darkest days are coming in. The real war that the Self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS) wants to do on this land has not yet begun ".

These are the predictions of Marc Trévidic, Lille's chief justice of the Supreme Court and worked at the Bureau of Terrorism for 10 years, in Paris Match in September 2015.

The prediction came true on November 13, when the terrorist group attacked seven separate locations in Paris.

Surprisingly, the West has also become the target of similar attacks in other parts of the world, although this process has been going on for a long time since the September 11 terrorist attacks in the Center. World Trade.

Picture 1 of Accurate prediction of the tragedy in Paris

Deputy Chief Justice Marc Trévidic forecasted the attack on Paris Match.(Photo: Paris Match).

In the attack on Charlie Hebdo in January 2015, the target of terrorists was the atheist cartoonists and Jews. But on November 13, terrorists massacred more than 150 civilians at cafes, theaters, and stadiums. They are not specifically targeted.

IS took responsibility for the attack. They describe the Stade de France stadium as "the place where the French clown, François Hollande, is present" and the concert at Bataclan theater is "the burial party of the traitors".

After the massacre, France carried out a series of measures - including a declaration of a state of emergency, a military patrol by the streets, a closure of the border, a call for more aggressive action. Although France has lessons from the American way after 9/11, the world cannot expect them to act more cautiously.

The migration crisis caused pressure, forcing them to open the border. But now, France issued an order to close after the massacre. On the morning of November 14, for the first time in this century, visitors must request to present documents when crossing the French border.

France could not anticipate all risks, even if they knew most attackers on November 13 were European nationals. In fact, authorities identified a terrorist who infiltrated France under the influx of refugees from Syria. That finding is detrimental to the fate of millions of other migrants.

Trévidic used to make a terrifyingly accurate forecast of the tragedy on November 13 with continuous attacks on common goals such as "cinemas, shopping centers, public areas". However, what's more worrying is his warning that France will face more serious terrorist attacks in the near future. The judge affirmed that the consequences of a large-scale attack were just a "prelude" to a series of terrorist acts.

"Politicians make clear military positions but they lack long-term vision , " he said.

IS also announced, the November 13 incident "is just the beginning" . Therefore, Marc Trévidic's warnings become more worrisome than ever.

"Attackers always want us to be hurt as seriously as possible. They cause it for a long time. What we have to get to know is not the threat but the fact that the attacks France is playing in the eye of the storm, preparing to face the worst case scenario, " Trévidic predicts.

Update 15 December 2018



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