Add 3 new elements in the periodic table

During the recent meeting at the Institute of Physics (London), the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) adopted three new elements to complement the Periodic Table of Elements. learn.

During the recent meeting at the Institute of Physics (London), the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) adopted three new elements to complement the Periodic Table of Elements. learn.

>>>The periodic periodic table has a new "member"

They are numbered 110, 111 and 112 respectively, respectively called darmstadtium (Ds), roentgenium (Rg) and copernicium (Cn).

These are super heavy and unstable elements that can only be created in the laboratory and quickly broken when there are other elements.

The General Assembly consists of 60 members from different countries around the world. Dr. Robert Kirby-Harris, Executive Director at IOP and Secretary-General of IUPAP, said: 'This is based on consultation with physicists around the world and we are happy to see they appear in the periodic table.

Picture 1 of Add 3 new elements in the periodic table

The three new elements are numbered 110, 111 and 112 respectively.

Copernicium named after the Prussian astronomer - Nicolaus Copernicus . He died in 1543 and was the first to assume that the Earth orbits the Sun. The element was first discovered in 1996 after German scientists combined zinc and lead together, resulting in a heavy radioactive element.

With roentgenium , it was first discovered in 1994 after a team at the GSI Helmholtz Heavy Ion Research Center in Germany created three atoms of this element. It was named after German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen , who had won the Nobel Prize in physics and was the first to discover and create X-rays in 1895.

Darmstadtium was also discovered by the scientific team in 1994. Its name follows the city of Darmstadt , where the GSI Helmholtz Center is based.

Update 15 December 2018



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