Admire the 4 most special fish species in the world

Transgenic fish, color changing fish, transparent fish, moon fish ... are the most special fish in the world.

Transgenic fish, color changing fish, transparent fish, moon fish . are the most special fish in the world.

1. "Transgender" fish

Clownfish belong to the group of bisexual fish with the pre-existing male sex. This means that all small clownfish are males, to a certain size and have the right conditions, some of them will turn sex into females.

Picture 1 of Admire the 4 most special fish species in the world

Clownfish belong to the group of bisexual fish with the pre-existing male sex.

Specifically, when children die or disappear for some reason, the largest male in the herd will convert the sex to turn into a female and become the "queen". The second largest male will quickly develop into a male to pair with the new female.

2. Fish change color

Siamese fish is one of the most special fish species in the world that lives in Thailand. They have the ability to change their body color when their environment changes even when their mood is not good.

Picture 2 of Admire the 4 most special fish species in the world

Siamese fighting fish are bred up to thousands of different species with all kinds of colors.

Currently, Siamese fighting fish are bred up to thousands of different species with a variety of colors and tail shapes. It is also the feature that makes them become very popular ornamental fishes all over the world.

3. Transparent fish

Barrel fish is an exotic fish with extremely sensitive eyes to light. They have a transparent head, eyes are two green tubular spheres on top of the head.

This fish's tubular eyes can rotate in their transparent head, allowing them to observe the directions and feed.

Picture 3 of Admire the 4 most special fish species in the world

The eye-shaped fish has a clear head, eyes are two green tubular spheres on top of the head.

The two points on the top of the fish's mouth look like eyes but are actually olfactory organs called nares, similar to human nostrils.

4. Moon fish

Moon fish or sunfish are large marine fish with vivid colors and short bodies living outside the ocean. They often dive under deep water, where temperatures are very low to find food.

Picture 4 of Admire the 4 most special fish species in the world

Moon fish are gigantic.

Due to living in deep water, low temperatures here can affect the neurological and visual functions of fish, so they have evolved independently with the ability to warm the eyes and brain to limit manipulate the impact mentioned above.

The common feature of fish is that this fish has a peculiar shape of round oval, mainly distributed in the tropics, its flat catfish, short tail, round head, large eyes, rather small mouth compared to Full body size, two short fins.

Most of the time the sun fish let the bulk of the body float freely to follow the currents.

Update 16 December 2018



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