Aircraft use cooking oil to save money

An airline in Canada has just put recycled biofuels from cooking oil into passenger aircraft to reduce air emissions, one of the factors that helps save costs.

Before Air Canada's Airbus plane left Toronto in Canada to reach Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, on the afternoon of June 18, bio-fuel and jet fuel were poured into the fuel tank. it. Bio-oil is recycled from used cooking oil and accounts for 50% of total fuel, The Star said.

The flight, bringing the number 911 with 120 passengers, is Air Canada's first commercial flight using biofuels. This is part of an effort to find clean technology to reduce emissions of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aircraft. Air Canada's leadership hopes that mixing biofuel and jet fuel will reduce emissions by 40% or more.

Picture 1 of Aircraft use cooking oil to save money
An Air Canada Airbus A319.

This mixture, invented by a company called SkyNRG, has met the standards for conventional jet fuel. So one can put it into an airplane engine without changing the engine structure.

Air Canada will also replace iPad guidebooks for iPad pilots because the total volume of books can be up to 50kg. The disappearance of the books will make the total volume of the aircraft decrease, leading to a reduction in the amount of fuel that the aircraft uses.

"If you reduce emissions, you'll reduce the cost of fuel. Each jet burns about 3,000kg of gasoline per hour," said Claude Saint-Martin, Air Canada's director of fuel economy. , stated.

In the context that oil prices cannot fall sharply in the near future, many airlines are looking to reduce fuel costs to increase profits. In addition, the European Union also plans to tax carbon emissions so firms have one more reason to reduce emissions from aircraft.

Andrea Debbane, vice president of environmental affairs at Airbus Aircraft Corporation, asserts that reducing CO2 emissions gives airlines a competitive advantage.

"If you want to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide, you have to find ways to build aircraft that use fuel efficiently," Debbane explained.