Alcatel officially merged with Lucent

On November 30, Alcatel SA (France) officially completed the merger with Lucent Technologies Inc. (USA), and become one of the world's largest providers of high-speed mobile and Internet networks.

Picture 1 of Alcatel officially merged with Lucent

Alcatel executive chairman Serge Tchuruk, during the official annexation ceremony with Lucent in Paris.

Agreement to buy Lucent Technologies Inc. worth about $ 11.5 billion and was approved by President Bush in early November. Both management board Alcatel and Lucent hope the merger between the two companies will boost its revenue.

Alcatel and Lucent's annual revenue is about $ 25 billion, roughly the same as the world's leading network provider Cisco Systems.

The decision to merge Alcatel and Lucent took place amid rising competition in the telecommunications industry as customers tended to merge, such as the merger between AT&T and BellSouth.

In a joint statement released on November 30, Alcatel and Lucent said the two companies will operate under the generic name Alcatel-Lucent from December 1; and the listed name on Euronext Paris and New York stock exchanges is "ALU".

Alcatel-Lucent's headquarters are located in Paris.