Alcohol antidote: can alcohol be solved?

Understand the psychology of wanting to drink alcohol

Capturing the psychology of drinking alcohol without being "tarnished", several pharmaceutical companies have launched a series of products called "alcoholists". Is alcohol tablet effective as expected?

Beer, wine, carbonated soft drinks, wine liquor, sticky rice wine, medicinal alcohol, bottled spirits . are mainly ethanol products. Alcohol content is the ratio of ethanol volume to the volume of solution. For example: alcohol base 40 degrees ie in 100ml of alcohol with 40ml of ethanol, 1ml of ethanol weighs about 0.79g.

Alcohol and metabolism, elimination

Scientifically, alcohol is a solution of water and ethanol (in which ethanol accounts for 1 - 50% by volume, so is called alcohol from 10 - 500). In addition to the above main ingredients, the wine also contains a small amount of individual substances of each manufacturer to create each wine a color, a specific flavor: 4 - 8% beer, wine 8 - 12% , vokda 37 - 45%, 30 - 45% sticky glutinous wine, wisky 40 - 50%, brandy 45% .

Doing blood alcohol test results in the form of Xmg / dl or Xmg% ie in 100ml of blood, there is alcohol Xmg. Blood alcohol concentration of 150mg / dl is beyond the threshold of traffic participation (80mg%); 120-160mg / dl: heavy drinking; over 300mg / dl: loss of consciousness, coma with heart failure and respiratory failure; above 500mg / dl: lethal concentration. So how much is enough to drink? According to WHO, every 1kg of body weight in a day should only be put into 1g of ethanol = 1.2ml of alcohol but must be divided into 1 day. In 1 liter of beer contains 40 - 80ml of alcohol, so a person weighs about 70kg, one day and night should only drink the maximum amount of beer from 1 - 1.2 liters but must be divided equally. What about taking the recommended dose? When alcohol enters the body, the amount of alcohol is completely absorbed directly into the blood 20% in the stomach, 80% in the small intestine.

Picture 1 of Alcohol antidote: can alcohol be solved?

No medicine can solve alcohol.

The rate of alcohol absorption into the blood is fast or slow, depending on whether the stomach is full or empty , the faster the rate of alcohol absorption, the faster the person gets drunk when he is full. After being absorbed, alcohol enters the bloodstream and disperses throughout the body tissue, can cross the placenta, found in the cerebrospinal fluid and accumulates in the brain. Therefore, it is possible to determine the alcohol concentration in any physiological fluid (urine, blood, cerebrospinal fluid, breath .). The elimination process is mainly through liver metabolism (about 90%), the rest is excreted through sweat, urine and breath .

When entering the body, alcohol primarily affects two organs, the central nervous system and the liver.

  • In the central nervous system: alcohol inhibits the top-down order, first is the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, the last spinal cord is the center of marrow.So when drinking a small amount of alcohol, it will be pleasant, drink a lot, cause sedation, loss of inhibition, reduce judgment, slurred speech, flower eyes and become more aggressive.
  • In the liver : in the body, the liver acts as a toxic waste plant, when alcohol enters the liver, it transforms into non-toxic substances that are excreted from the body.This is the liver's ability to metabolize alcohol detoxification.

This process works well when the presence of catalytic enzymes called NAD (nadnicotintamid - ademin - dinuclentid) is produced in limited quantities to be able to metabolize from 7 -10g / hour (equivalent about 1 beer or 1 small wine). This shows that when drinking too much alcohol, alcohol is not enough to produce enough yeast to convert alcohol detoxification. At that time, the amount of alcohol accumulates in the body, poisoning the body, especially the liver is directly affected.

In the long term, the harm is more dangerous, first causing only indigestion, which is the first stage of physical damage to the liver, later causing fatty liver disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis and finally liver cancer leads to death.

No medicine can solve alcohol, protect the liver

Picture 2 of Alcohol antidote: can alcohol be solved?

Drinking antidote to increase "capital" when going to drink only in the body.

There are a lot of alcohol pills available on the market today, these tablets have similar ingredients, mainly include sugar, vitamins B1, B6, PP, glutamic acid, fumaric acid, succinic acid. In fact, these substances are not drugs but a form of functional food . It has a complementary effect in the process of alcohol metabolism, but there is no document to demonstrate the effect of protecting or restoring alcohol-susceptible organs that harm the liver or suppress the effect of alcohol on the god system. Central nervous system to lose "dull" state.

When drinking a lot of alcohol often appears a headache, so people who drink a lot of alcohol often use more preparations with aspirin, paracetamol, anti-inflammatory, non-csteroid . This makes the liver function worse. When combining these drugs with alcohol will irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa causing gastrointestinal bleeding. If the level of paracetamol in the blood is high, beyond the ability of decontamination of the liver to cause hepatocellular necrosis, causing manifestations of acute hepatitis. In addition, people who drink a lot of alcohol also use some stomach remedies to drink alcohol as long as phosphalugel, kremil-s, maalox . In fact, these drugs only slow the absorption of alcohol into the blood. Not all of these drugs cover the digestive tract so that alcohol is not absorbed into the bloodstream.

Thus, without a "medicinal spirit" helps people drink alcohol without being drunk. Drinking antidote to increase "capital" when going to drink only in the body. There are cases where it is reported that he almost lost his life because he thought he had an antidote to drink, so drink. Not to mention the danger of encountering fake alcohol.

Update 15 December 2018



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