American divers cut their hands in front of sharks to see if they were torn

The video below shows a brave diver cutting his wrist in a shark-filled area to prove his point is right.

The video below shows a brave diver cutting his wrist in a shark-filled area to prove his point is right.

The video begins with Skyler Thomas diving a knife in front of the camera. It can be seen clearly that he is surrounded by scary black shark sharks in South African waters.

The diver suddenly did something that surprised the viewer: cut his wrist twice so that blood flowed out.

Thomas then raised his bleeding arm in front of the sharks, but did not attract the predator's attention.

Picture 1 of American divers cut their hands in front of sharks to see if they were torn

Thomas used a knife to cut his wrist twice.

Video with captions: "Sharks can smell a drop of blood in the Olympic-sized swimming pool, meaning they can smell everything else - things they really care about, not including humans." .

Thomas said: "I have never believed that sharks are attracted to human blood. But if you just say that, it won't prove anything, so I shot this video."

"It is egotistical to think that sharks will stop everything it is doing, ignore all other odors in the ocean, and follow us."

Thomas said he did this experiment for two consecutive days and spent nearly an hour under the sea every day."No matter how good a shark can smell, we are not on their menu , " the diver said.

Update 17 December 2018



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