Artificial blood will be tested in humans in 2016

Artificial blood may replace donor blood in transfusions - researchers at the University of Edinburgh.

Artificial blood may replace donor blood in transfusions - researchers at the University of Edinburgh , who have used stem cells to make red blood cells, in therapeutic research projects. cost 5 million pounds.

Picture 1 of Artificial blood will be tested in humans in 2016


The creation of red blood cells, important components in the blood beside white blood cells and platelets, is a great achievement for scientists after years of research with a complex process. Accordingly, adult blood cells or skin cells are transformed into pluripotent stem cells (iPS). IPSs grown in biological environments mimic human body conditions so that they can then be converted into red blood cells.

A major obstacle is that not all cells change into red blood cells, so researchers use centrifuges to separate red blood cells. This 1-month process also helps increase the efficiency of stem cell conversion into red blood cells by 50%.

It is known that normal blood cells have a lifespan of about 100 days and because they are formed at different times, the donated blood is always a mixture of new and old blood cells. Meanwhile, artificial blood contains all new blood cells, so it's good for health. In 2016, the team will conduct the first human test, which is three patients with red blood cell disorder (anemia) and if successful, artificial blood may replace it. whole blood donated in 2035.

Update 15 December 2018



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