Be wary of poisoning in children

Picture 1 of Be wary of poisoning in children In Ho Chi Minh City, there are no official statistics from Children's Hospital 1 and 2 but it is estimated that there are 300-400 cases of poisoning in children every year. The main reason is due to mistake or accident.

Pharmacy sold the wrong medicine!

Often cases of mistaken poisoning occur in children aged 1-6 years. This is a rapidly developing age for the perception of the world around, so children are very curious and imitating so they are easily poisoned by drinking the chemicals used in the home or drugs that adults drink . Chemicals that often cause poisoning in young children are cleaning solutions, bad oils or gasoline, even pesticides and pests. In the hospital, we encountered many cases of young children taking the wrong oil in a bottle of mineral water.

Young children often imitate adults to take some medicines that adults drink, especially when they meet the children who drink wrong types of birth control pills or sedatives of adults. These drugs can cause severe poisoning leading to death.

Another form of confusion sometimes occurs when parents give their children the wrong medicine or the wrong medicine because some drugs have similar names or close packs. At the clinic, there was a case of poisoning of Haloperidol (antipsychotic medicine), which was sold by the pharmacy because it was thought to be Prednisone (with similar packaging).

The confusion that leads to poisoning is not only due to the child itself but also due to the incorrect awareness of parents. Previously, parents or grandparents often thought that giving a baby a few months of age to drink red red water like beetroot juice could add blood to the baby. This is a misconception because it is possible to have high nitrate and nitrite content in some seasons of the year. It is these substances that enter the body (especially in infants) that will make children cyanosis, difficulty breathing.

Children sometimes get poisoned by suicide.At ages 10-17, children are very sensitive to critical criticism, especially in the field of learning.Many cases of poisoning due to suicide in children are due to being sad because of poor grades, being scolded by teachers or parents.These cases are often very severe, can lead to death if not timely emergency.

In children, there are also cases of treatment accidents or drug overdose. There are very few drugs that cause harm in adults but can be harmful in children. We often experience acute muscular dystrophy with symptoms such as arching, squinting eyes, sometimes arching like tetanus after taking anti-emetic medicine Metoclopramide. There are even cases where the child takes a cough medicine containing Dextromethorphan overdose and causes breathing stops. Dextromethorphan poisoning is rare in the case of apnea. Fortunately, this case is saved.

Keep alcohol and alcohol away from young hands

When there are young children in the house, parents should prevent poisoning for babies. Here are some recommendations: remember to put medicine and chemicals in the locker and out of reach of children. Chemicals such as drain water, medicine, pesticides, etc. must be stored somewhere safe. Do not leave bottles containing alcohol in the reach of children. Alcohol can cause severe poisoning. Just about 100ml of spirits can kill a 2-year-old. It should be noted in the mouthwash also contains 15-25% alcohol.

Whenever your child is prescribed medication, make sure he or she is drinking the right dose and, if it is a bottle, there must be a safety cap. Always read the prescription and the information sheet about the medication that comes with it. Do not arbitrarily buy medicine for your child to drink. Take your baby to the doctor to be diagnosed and given the right medicine. There are many diseases that do not necessarily require medication.

Never make a child take medicine by saying that the medicine is candy; should not take medicine in front of children; Wash your hands before preparing food; Do not leave any chemicals (especially gasoline or pesticides) in drinking water bottles or food containers. Parents must always monitor where they are and what they are doing.

Doctor NGUYEN TRIAN (Victoria Healthcare Clinic USA)