Breakthrough research proves that two men can have children together

Recently British scientists have published the results of a breakthrough scientific study, opening the opportunity for two men to have children together.

This study has removed the notion that the fetus can only be produced when sperm and eggs meet. Instead, scientists believe they can create babies from skin cells.

In an experiment with mice, British scientists proved that fetal cell production is possible. This shows that the ability to have a healthy baby without using fertilization between eggs and sperm has appeared.

Picture 1 of Breakthrough research proves that two men can have children together
Scientists believe they can create babies from skin cells.

Scientists have used single human embryos , prepared by stimulating a fertilized cell that grows like a fertilized one. Often, these embryos will die within a few days, but scientists found that they could inject sperm into these mono-embryos so they could develop into a healthy organism.

This is a very important finding, because mono-fetuses have the same characteristics as normal cells. If we can give sperm a combination with mono-fetuses, producing a baby by combining it with the body's cells is possible.

Scientists have created 30 healthy pups with success rates of up to 24%, many times higher than the current form of asexual reproduction.

This study opened the opportunity for two gay men to have children together. In addition, a man can choose to fertilize by combining sperm with his skin cells. Not only that, women who are infertile or too old can still have children. This method, if successful, will also allow the preservation of the species of extinct species.

Picture 2 of Breakthrough research proves that two men can have children together
The breakthrough research of British scientists has brought hope to gay couples as well as those who are inferior.

The head of the research project, embryo Tony Perry, said: "Our research aims to challenge the concept that dates back to the 1827s that only egg cells combined with sperm can produce. giving birth to healthy children ".

However, Mr. Perry also added that mouse experiments have only demonstrated that this method of fertilization is theoretically possible. They will have to study more carefully before applying it to practice.

"At present, the application of this discovery to life is still not feasible," said Perry. "Can this be true? I don't know, but if this technology is widely distributed, the next generation will look back on history and say that this is the beginning of an achievement. great".