British billionaire Elon Musk, created the world's most powerful battery

British billionaire Sanjeev Gupta has recently surpassed Elon Musk, making it the world's most powerful battery.

British billionaire Sanjeev Gupta has recently surpassed Elon Musk, making it the world's most powerful battery.

Tesla, the technology leader of Elon Musk, last year produced the most powerful battery ever. The billionaire has stated that his battery project will help solve the power shortage problem in South Australia by storing electricity from wind turbines located in the area for use when turbines inactive.

Picture 1 of British billionaire Elon Musk, created the world's most powerful battery

This new battery has a capacity of 120-140 megawatts / hr. (Illustration).

Recently, British billionaire Sanjeev Gupta has invested in a new battery that can store 120-140 megawatts of power, up from 100-129 megawatts per second of Tesla battery. Installed for Jamestown in South Australia last year.

The new battery will be installed at a solar power plant in Whyalla Steelworks owned by Liberty House. This is the company of the billionaire Gupta, who bought some mining companies in Australia last year, according to ABC News.

The continued development of large-capacity, energy-saving batteries indicates the shift towards more robust renewable energy in Australia.

By the year 2016, a major hurricane has swept and caused local power outages in many parts of Adelaide, affecting the lives of 1.7 million people. According to the Australian government, these "super" power cells will provide temporary power in such difficult times.

Update 12 December 2018



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