British Police opens a quest for

British police are opening an investigation and searching

British police are investigating and searching for the "Holy Grail" after thieves are said to have stolen this priceless cup at home with a woman who has been keeping it for 25 years.

The theft took place on April 7 when Fiona Mirylees, 69, missed her home for the first time in 25 years because she was hospitalized. The thieves broke into Mirylees' residence in the village of Weston-under-Penyard, outside Herefordshire, England, to take a medieval wooden cup, a heirloom called Nanteos Cup , believed to be "The Cup. Holy " (the cup used by Jesus during the last meal with the disciples before his death, according to the Gospel).

Local police have just begun to open a large-scale investigation of the incident. The residents of Mirylees said she was a recluse, alone with many dogs for over 20 years. According to a neighbor, Mirylees rarely showed anyone the "Holy Grail" and almost did not leave the house for long because she wanted to protect the precious cup.

Picture 1 of British Police opens a quest for

The Nanteos cup, also known as the "Holy Grail" is not intact.(Photo: Daily Mail)

Reverend Neil Patterson, St Lawrence church pastor at Mirylees professor, said: "I used to hand that wooden cup myself. It is about the size of my hand. Although not intact, but it still has water. There are a lot of rumors about the healing cup for many people who drink it in the 1950s and 1960s. "

The quest for the Holy Grail was the plot for the 1989 hit movie "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" , played by Harrison Ford. However, at present, West Mercia police, the security force of Shropshire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire counties of England, are tasked with directly searching for this wooden cup.

There are rumors that the Holy Grail contains a lot of power, immense power and who owns the Holy Grail has an outstanding talent, because at the separation party, Jesus used the right to turn wine into Holy Blood. Legend has it that Joseph of Arimathea used the Holy Grail of Holy Blood when impregnating the Lord Jesus, and sneaked into the United Kingdom, where he organized a special lineage of generations through generations to preserve this sacred object. .

The search for the Holy Grail has become an important part of the life and career of King Arthur, the British emperor with many anecdotes, living at the end of the 5th and early 6th centuries. Over the centuries, the cup Mysterious wood is said to have miraculous healing powers. It was kept for many years at Nantoes Castle near Aberystwyth, Wales until the last residents here, the Powell family, left this place in the 1950s.

In the following years, the "Holy Grail" was owned by the Steadman family, who stored it in a bank cellar in Wales. Mirylees is known as the person responsible for preserving the priceless glass for 25 years.

Update 17 December 2018



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