Chopping food helps reduce obesity

Shredded foods that help obese people want to lose weight to eat less, reduce the feeling of 'appetite', according to a recent study.

Scientists at the University of Arizona (USA) observed 300 students eating bagel bread, according to the Daily Mail.

Picture 1 of Chopping food helps reduce obesity

Some students eat a bagel bagel cut into four pieces, some students eat a bagel bagel. After 20 minutes, the students were invited to eat a second bagel bagel (not chopped).

Most of the students who ate small bagel before eating less slowly, and the second one ate less, some abandoned the second, and felt that they were full.

Scientists say it is the eyes and stomach of humans who are fooled when eating food cut into small pieces.

An experiment on mice also produced similar results.

Devina Wahera, head of research, advises obese people who are on a diet to lose weight, should shred food to feel "full" (reduce appetite after eating), and to eat more slowly, help digestion. better.

The study was presented at a conference on digestion, held at Arizona University on July 10.