Detecting a baby dinosaur nest in Mongolia

Scientists have just discovered the baby dinosaur nest eating plants buried in sand in Mongolia.

According to the Journal of Paleontology , a dinosaur team called Protoceratops andrewsi 70 million years old has just been discovered by 15 immature juvenile dinosaurs.

In a large number of eggs, a link to other dinosaurs like the carnivorous dinosaur Oviraptor or duckbill dinosaurs after discovering a multi-species fossil dinosaur population in the same nest is quite rare.

David Fastovsky, head of the soil research department at Rhode University and colleagues analyzed the newly discovered dinosaur fossils, measuring the diameter of the nest about 60cm.

This fossil dinosaur team was discovered in Tugrikinshire (Mongolia), which is said to be buried sand quickly and has buried these baby dinosaurs while they are still alive.

Picture 1 of Detecting a baby dinosaur nest in Mongolia
Detecting fossil bones of the dragon's frame. (Photo: Discovery)

After the research process, the researchers concluded that all 15 dinosaurs have immature characteristics. These dinosaurs have short mouths, large eyes that match and do not have mature traits but have raised horns and have large folds that only mature dinosaurs have.

Based on the analytical samples, the scientists confirmed that the dinosaur population was found to be plant-eating dinosaurs that existed and grew in the nest at least in the early stages of birth.

'Big eggs can be a way to ensure the survival of animals in the natural world because of the care and protection of their parents. Moreover, Mongolia at that time was home to many large carnivorous dinosaurs' hunting 'to eat plant dinosaurs , ' said Mr. Fastovsky.

This dinosaur group is currently being stored at the Paleontological Center of the Mongolian Scientific Research Institute in Ulan Baatar, (Mongolia).