Detecting horrors of human violence 6,000 years ago

Seven human skeletons, a newborn skull and fragments of hand bones and some discrete arm bones were found in an ancient mass grave in France.

Seven human skeletons, a newborn skull and fragments of hand bones and some discrete arm bones were found in an ancient mass grave in France. The horrifying discovery like this horror film revealed secrets about violence that existed 6,000 years ago.

Archaeologists in the city of Bergheim, France, have discovered this bone number.

Archaeologist Fanny Chenal of Antea Archaeological Institute in Habsheim said that the bones consist of two male skeletons, a female skeleton and four children's skeletons; There is also a skull of a newborn baby.

The report of the discovery published in the December issue of Antiquity archaeological magazine states that people in the pit were killed in an attack or fighting, then put into a mass grave, where earlier had buried some of his left arm severed with axes or sharp weapons.

It is still unclear who the cut bones of the arm belong to.All skeletons have enough hands, except for a male skeleton with a damaged skull due to being hit hard. This skeleton lacks the left arm ; however, the researchers have not determined whether the missing arm is in the hole.

Picture 1 of Detecting horrors of human violence 6,000 years ago

Human bones discovered from the Neolithic period were found in mass graves.(Source: Reuters).

Chenal and his team are also unclear whether the perpetrator who caused the deaths of these people aimed for the left arm for some reason, but predicted that the left arm was considered a spoiler.

The fragments of hand bones scattered at the bottom of the hole showed that the hands of the cut arms were intentionally cut off.

The carbon chronology analysis of bone numbers shows that people under the pit lived 6,000 years ago, coinciding with the Neolithic period. During this period, the dead of agricultural communities were often buried in round mouths .

However, the discovery at Bergheim provided the first evidence that those who died in clashes of this period were also buried in a round mouth.

"Bergheim was the first discovery that allowed us to connect the burial of bodies into circular holes with violent incidents, possibly armed combat. This is a very important result, and also at the same time. More questions than giving answers, " Chenal said.

Prior to this new discovery, the nature of the Neolithic collective burial sites was still mysterious. Many scientists believe that pits are the remnants of silo silos, which are later used for other things like burial.

Picture 2 of Detecting horrors of human violence 6,000 years ago

The bones were discovered in a mass grave.(Source: RT).

Others claim that the pit is dug like grave for those with high status, and their servants and relatives were killed to accompany them. Another hypothesis is that slaves may have been killed and buried in the pit like offerings to gods.

Several artifacts were discovered along with the skeletons, including a piece of jewelry made from shells, a javelin, a piece of jaw bone and two hare skeletons.

Three years before the pit was discovered, another 60 round holes were excavated at Bergheim. 13 of the 60 holes contain fragments or fragments of human bones.

Update 17 December 2018



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