Detection of anti-cancer drug compounds in vegetables

New Zealand scientists say they have found new compounds against cancer in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage .

Picture 1 of Detection of anti-cancer drug compounds in vegetables (Photo: TTO) According to Christchurch medical school team, a compound called isothiocyanate in mustard varieties such as watercress, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, radishes, kale . helps to destroy the sacrifices. Cancer cells are currently resistant to drugs.

As explained by Mark Hampton, the lead researcher, a protein called Bcl-2 has made human cells resistant to normal cell self-destructing processes that help get destroyed cells out of the body. Cancer cells with a lot of Bcl-2 have also increased resistance, making it more difficult to treat the disease.

Isothiocyanate in vegetables has the effect of limiting the effects of Bcl-2, making Bcl-2 cancer cells more susceptible to treatment drugs, helping to prevent cancer resistance.

The team is continuing to work to find out how isothiocyanate limits the effects of Bcl-2, which could produce new drugs that are more effective at fighting cancer.