Detection of giant dinosaur fossils in Spain

This may be the largest animal on Earth in the late Jurassic period 150 million years ago. Turiasaurus riodevensis with fossils found in Teruel (Spain) can weigh 40 to 48 tons, ie 7 times the weight of 6 to 7 adult male elephants.

According to researcher Luis Alcala and colleagues in Science, this lizard-dinosaur species competes with giant dinosaurs known as Argentinosaurus or Brachiosaurus found on the continent of America or Africa. .

The discovery of Turiasaurus riodevensis shows that the continent of Europe also has giant dinosaurs. Its arm bone is equal to that of an adult man.

The entire length of the animal is estimated at 30 or 37m. Spanish paleontologists have found many of its parts such as knee bones, tibia, skulls, shoulder blades, vertebrae, toe burners, ribs and teeth.

The analysis shows that this dinosaur belongs to a different group with other herbivorous dinosaurs. This may be a more primitive group, including other Jurassic dinosaurs found in Europe.

Picture 1 of Detection of giant dinosaur fossils in Spain
Turiasaurus riodevensis (Photo: