Discover a new gene in humans

A Myanmar scientist has contributed to the discovery of a new gene in humans responsible for contributing to the production of hemoglobin.

Dr. Barry Paw, a member of the research team at a US medical school, said the team found a way that the gene conveys iron to red blood cells to form hemoglobin. Hemoglobin transports oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body, including muscles.

Picture 1 of Discover a new gene in humans
Discovering a new gene in humans responsible for contributing to the production of hemoglobin.
In the picture: Model of Hemoglobin molecule (Photo: fig.cox)

Dr. Paw said that researchers now hope to develop changes in genes that cause diseases including iron deficiency or excess iron.

These researchers belong to Harvarrd University's Brigham and Women Hospital in Massachusetts, USA. This discovery was published in "Nature" magazine.