Discover medieval castle

Recently British archaeologists have discovered medieval castles in the Sahara desert in southwestern Libya.

Recently British archaeologists have discovered medieval castles in the Sahara desert in southwestern Libya.

Scientists from Leicester University, England, have discovered more than 100 fortified farms and villages with castle-like architecture built from the first year to the 500th year of AD under the Garamantes civilization thanks to into satellite and aerial photographs.

Picture 1 of Discover medieval castle

Photos taken from satellites. Black indicates the fortifications area,
Red is an oasis and green is an oasis (Photo: Sciencedaily)

The remaining mud bricks of the complex look like a castle with walls nearly 4 meters tall and traces of houses, cemeteries, wells and complex irrigation systems that show the 'disappearing City' first. when Muslims appear.

Garamantes people are very civilized. They live in large-scale settlements with towns, villages, written languages ​​and art. The Garamantes pioneered the construction of oases and trans-Saharan trade.

The complex is located in the harshest area of ​​the desert. This reflects the climate here has not changed throughout the years.

In fact, scientists have discovered relics since the beginning of the year. However, the team was forced to evacuate Libya in February when the uprising against Gaddafi began.

Update 17 December 2018



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