Discover new bats in the bottle soaked in wine for more than 30 years

British experts have recently discovered a new bat in . wine jars since 1983 at the London Museum of Natural History.

Discover new bats in wine jars

British scientists have found a new bat in the most unexpected place - in the storage area of ​​the London Museum of Natural History (UK).

Picture 1 of Discover new bats in the bottle soaked in wine for more than 30 years
The bat has been "soaked in wine" since 1983 for preservation.

Specifically, there is a storage area in the Natural History Museum, consisting of many different animals stored in alcohol soaked bottles for preservation. This area is called the Spirit Collection . In total, there are more than 80 million specimens stored here.

Picture 2 of Discover new bats in the bottle soaked in wine for more than 30 years
Spirit Collection of London's Museum of Natural History (UK) with over 80 million specimens.

Newly found bats are also among these. It has been stored since 1983, but it has only recently been discovered that it is a new species - Francis's Woolly Horseshoe Bat , with the scientific name Rhinolophus francisi . This name is named after the person who saved it - Mr. Charles M. Francis of Malaysia.

Picture 3 of Discover new bats in the bottle soaked in wine for more than 30 years

This new bat is quite small with a thin and fragile skeleton, so scientists have to take tomography to understand more about their structure. According to Roberto Portela Miguez - a zoologist at the museum: "Test results show that this bat has a fairly sharp skull, sharp teeth, used to attack insects".

Picture 4 of Discover new bats in the bottle soaked in wine for more than 30 years
CT scans of the horseshoe bat Francis.

Besides, the researchers also found a bat that has a rather odd, odd face, thought to be the subspecies of the newly found horseshoe bat.This bat lives in dense forests in Thailand , named Rhinolophus francisi thailandicus.

Scientists say that finding new animals here is not rare, such as insects or fish, but finding mammals is a completely different story.

Picture 5 of Discover new bats in the bottle soaked in wine for more than 30 years
The bat species Rhinolophus francisi thailandicus with its grotesque face, is believed to be a subspecies of newly discovered bats.

Miguez said: "This finding shows that there are so many mysteries that we have not been able to touch. Also, of the 80 million specimens here, are there any new animals?"

The discovery of new bats was published in Acta Chiropterologica (Poland).