Discovered 4,000 year old fortress in Syria

A unique military network of up to 4,000 years consisting of fortifications, fortifications, and blockhouse was discovered in Syria.

A joint team between France and Syria analyzed aerial satellite images. According to RFI, the discovery was announced on December 19.

Picture 1 of Discovered 4,000 year old fortress in Syria
Hama ancient citadel in Syria.(Photo: Wiki).

The French Archéorient laboratory collaborated with the archaeological agency and the Syrian museum to study an area of ​​up to 7,000 km2 east of Hama. The online analysis is complementary to on-site digging from 1995 to 2002 and 2010, ie before the war.

This is the first time, such a large scale fortress system has been discovered. This is to protect important territories during the Middle Bronze Age (around 1600-1350 BC).

About that period, scientists have only known urban defense systems to protect the roads and land. The newly discovered fortress and fortress network consists of large basalt blocks, and tall, meter-long statues.

The system was built in such a way as to communicate with the naked eye, such as emitting signals by burning night fire or by smoke like an Indian, to quickly transmit information to the centers. command.

Adjacent to the densely populated areas known as the Fertile Crescent (Croissant fertile) in the west, and the arid savannah of the nomadic people to the east, the area is inhabited only by residents. period of conflict. Most recently, many residents of Hama and Homs evacuated here to live.