Discovered a huge gold store at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean
According to Radio Voice of Russia on January 4, Russian geologists found gold ore deposits of natural origin in the deep Pacific Ocean.
According to Radio Voice of Russia on January 4, Russian geologists found gold ore deposits of natural origin in the deep Pacific Ocean.
This is the first time in the history of geological exploration, humans have discovered such a large amount of gold at depths of more than 1.5 km below sea level.
Experts claim that in 1 ton of oceanic ore contains about 13 grams of gold, while on land, only 1 ton of ore contains only 3-7 grams of gold. From the middle of the last century, scientists have tried to filter out gold and other useful minerals from deep seabeds.
However, in the past, researchers have not discovered any ore mines promising to contain lots of gold on the ocean floor.
The aforementioned gold ore mine was discovered when Russian geologists, from the research ship ' Academician Aleksandr Vinogradov' , conducted a study on the covering layer of Detroit underground on the Obrucheva high point in the North Pacific.
Since then, Russian scientists have found the gold seam stretching nearly two kilometers below the depth of 1,650m. Geologists say that high-gold ore can be present in other parts of the Pacific.
However, at present, no one can consider the exploitation of gold at such a great depth, simply because there are no necessary equipment and machinery.
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